11 min readSep 10, 2016
Private Blog Network

Private Blog Network Hosting: The Ultimate PBN Guide — 2016 Edition

Your One-Stop Guide to Building your Private Network Blog the right way!

I’m sure you’ll agree when I say:

Building a private blog network is REALLY tough & expensive. There is way too much random information across the internet on this topic… but I’m sure you DO know that if you set things up the right way, it can dramatically increase your search engine rankings.


A PBN, if done correctly, can yield many opportunities to fine tune your SEO strategy. Not only that, GoPBN is the easiest and most effective way to build a PBN.

In today’s post, I will highlight step by step how (from my own experiences) you can easily start a Private Blog Network with GoPBN.

What is a Private Blog Network aka PBN?

It’s simple; you build a bunch of websites & blogs on domain names that are owned by you.

You can build a Private Blog Network in two different ways:

1) Building your private blog network on dropped or expired domains.


2) Building your private blog network on Web 2.0.

Now you have a fair understanding of PBN is all about, let’s dig deeper and understand the basics to successfully build your first private blog sites.

The Chain Network Technique: (Private Blog Network Technique for SEO)

A while back I did my first case study (Will be publishing the case study soon) on a niche website that was created to run some tests using The Chain Network Technique, and the results were amazing.

Not only did I shoot for Rank #1 for multiple keywords, I even made some nice money with the affiliation link that was set up.


To successfully build your network blog, you have to follow the steps below:

Step 1: Finding Expired Domain

Step 2: Grab your private blog network hosting

Step 3: Build your Site on the domain.

This is a simple three step technique, and the reason why it works is because it’s meant to make your entire network private and anonymous.

I use our GoPBN hosting for multiple networks that I run..

Reason? Because GoPBN doesn’t own any of servers or network. It’s using top hosting providers from companies around the world..

Not only that, it has randomized all the needed DNS settings in order to keep the entire network as anonymous & natural as possible.

Now: The Chain Network Technique is one technique I use very often on many of my personal projects including some of my client’s project.

Step #1: Finding Expired Domain.

It’s important to build your network on an expired domain because an expired domain carries higher authority as compared to a brand new domain.

Here are some of the advantages:
1) Will have backlinks…
2) Will have a higher number of referring links
3) Will have a decent Domain Authority, Page Authority, Trust Flow & Citation Flow.
4) Will have an age on the domain which is very vital.

Finding high quality expired domain is as difficult as finding a rare Pokemon in Pokemon go (The new phenomenon in 2016)..

You have to look heard, spend time and research to get the best ones.

In this private blog network guide, we will use Moonsy.

Reason? Because it’s FREE and..

stats that are important to us such as Domain Authority, Page Authority, Trust Flow, Citation flow, backlinks & the age of the domain that are important to us.

Let’s dig in:

There are thousands of potential domains that drops every single day because of multiple reasons.


Not every single domain is valuable, so we need to find a domain with a good age, and some good backlink profiles.

Quick Tip: Stay away from domains that have a history of pharmaceuticals, gambling, or porn or has related backlink profile.

Head over to Moonsy Expired Domain List and sign up to access the entire list.

You will see something like this:

Now it’s time to look into the filter setting.

I like to keep the initial round of filtering extremely low. Here is what I do:

  • Select Google Index
  • Enable Domain Authority & Page Authority with a minimum of 20 stats on each.
  • Minimum Domain Age of 3 years
  • Maximum Domain Price $100.
  • Buy Now (Available for purchase right away)

Once you have set the above in filter, hit the SET FILTER button and all set to roll..

Grab the first few set of domains that you like because we will now analysis those domains.

I am using a very popular tool backlink analysis tool called as

I decided to pick as my first domain to do analysis as the initial stats were very impressive.

The domain has 27 Domain Authority, 38 Page Authority, 18 Trust Flow & 45 Citation Flow. Overall, the numbers are very solid, and it’s available for $12.

I went ahead and entered the domain name on ahrefs, and the domain was badly spammed.

The above is a perfect example when you shouldn’t use a particular domain.

Barrie Smith did a fantastic job explaining explaining how a
bad profile link looks like.

I went ahead and picked another domain

The domain has 39 Domain Authority, 46 Page Authority, 20 Trust Flow & 20 Citation Flow, the above for $11.

I did the backlink and anchor text analysis on this domain on ahref and turned out the stats were very decent.

Before registering the domain, I normally head over to Wayback Machine to see the history of the website to ensure nothing’s suspicious.

After you have verified and everything looks ok..


Check Google Adsense Account Ban to see whether your domain is banned on Google Adsense

Next, make sure to have new accounts open with as many domain registrars as possible and pick a different domain registrar each time.


Do not use WHOIS protection, instead use something like a FakeNameGenerator and enter those details for that domain.


Because Google is a domain registrar and can look behind the whois protection details.

Now you are all sorted with the domain..

repeat and get as many domains as you want.

Head to Step two:

Step #2: Grab your Hosting


While setting up your PBN, there are few important factors that you need to keep in mind.

Have your site on different AAA.BBB.CCC IP block ranges

..because you would want to look natural.

Do you have any neighouring blog sharing the IP range pointing back to your website?

Chances are slim to none.

Here is a typical example of how blocks are defined:

You have to ensure that your websites are not hosted on sequential D block in the same IP range.

Have different ISPs

If not millions, then you do have hundreds of ISPs available in the market who has various IP ranges.

Having your site on different ISPs further diversifies your blog network avoiding any ISP level footprint.

How do you ensure you are on different ISP?

Head over to and enter your IP address in the search box

Have random locations

Most natural looking blogs have backlinks from different cities, states & countries..

Build your blog in different location to avoid any possible footprint.

You can pick the desired location for your blog from GoPBN control panel.

Host on Nameservers that are hosting hundreds and thousands of other legit websites

Imagine you doing everything right, but still using your own private nameserver?


Possible footprint..

Get different nameservers as that will help you further narrow down on a possible footprint for your blog.

Managing all the above can be very challenging as you keep growing your PBN for different PROJECTS..


I recommend you to try our platform at GoPBN where GoPBN can reduce all the above footprints with our extremely sleek looking control panel design.

In this article, we will use GoPBN to set up our private blog network.

Sign up for an account, after which head over to the GoPBN Deploy Page..

In about five steps, you will get your private network hosted on one of the top hosting companies..

Step 1: Enter your newly registered domain name for PBN

Step 2: Select/Add, a group, to keep your PBN organized.

Step 3: GoPBN Provides a total of 9 CMS as of now while more are planned to be added.

Select your preferred CMS..

Quick Stats: As of today, Wordpress is powering over 59.5% of all the CMS which is 26.6% of all the websites.

Step 4: Select your desired location.

..GoPBN is offering 11 location across United Stats, Europe & Asia as of now.

Step 5: Pick your plan and select Deploy

Here is a quick screenshot:

Once you have deployed your domain, grab your Nameservers and update them with your domain registrar.

GoPBN Server Locations

New Jersey
Los Angeles
Costa Rica

with more locations currently queued in the pipeline.

Step 3: Build your Site on the domain

Now you have got your domain, and favorite CMS up and running on GoPBN..

it’s time to build your website on that domain.

With thousands of theme available on the internet for free, there is no reason why you would keep your CMS on the default theme.

Pick a free theme, or purchase a new one..

Remember, don’t go cheap with your Private Blog Network, as your PBN can be your biggest asset if setup correctly.

Select your preferred set of necessary SEO plugins.

SEO Ultimate | Yoast SEO| All in One SEO

Quick Tip:

Make sure not to select the same set of plugins and themes for your PBN as you could be leaving a possible footprint.

Please do not use Google Adsense, Google Analytics, and Webmaster tools..

..or else you will be leaving a possible footprint.

The Content Management Strategy for your PBN

You have your site up; now it’s time to add contents to your private blog network.

..I would recommend you to head over to Blackhatworld to find a wide range of quality article writer to find contents for your Private Blog Network.

Ideally, I would recommend around 10–15 Articles per blog ranging from 500–1000 words per blog.

Along with that, ask your writer to get you customized About Us, Contact Us, Privacy Policy page contents developed too.

Once you have all your articles, schedule about one article to be posted per week to make your blog look natural.


Ensure to link your contents to two to three AUTHORITY websites that have similar contents to your website as that helps Google to understand your contents better.

Forbes, Wikipedia, Inc. Magazine, Tech Crunch, etc..

Another Quick Tip:

Make your blog look like a real blog, so setup social media profiles for every single blog that you create in your PBN.


..automate your blog posts submission to all the social media profiles using IFFFT or Buffer.

Give time between each PBN Setup:

Naturally, any website won’t get tens or hundreds of links in just one day or few weeks unless you are covered by few big magazine or you go viral on the internet..

The possibility of that? None since it’s a PBN.

Key for sustaining your blog network? Look Natural

Give a cooling time of 10–30 days between each domain before setting up new blogs. Ideally, if you are building your PBN for your project and not for your client, then I would recommend building one blog per week for your money site.

It’s very important that you get all your blog posts indexed. You can refer to this blog post by PBNHQ to index your blog post quickly.

I get it:

Your domain already has some backlinks, but..

Why not pass some more love? Some more link juice? I typically setup a small Web 2.0 blogs & profiles as Tier 2 pointing them towards my every single PBN.

Results? Better stats and link juice for every single PBN.

Here is what the structure would look like:


Earlier I recommended having around 10–15 quality post per PBN. Pick one of the articles that have your main keyword pointing towards your money site.

You might be wondering:

Can I link more than one more keyword on the same domain? My answer would be NO!

Unless you are a risk taker, don’t add another keyword on the same domain pointing towards your money site as it might not look natural.

Blocking Ahrefs, SEMrush, Majestic, and other Popular crawlers

Here, let me make your life easy:

Simply Copy and paste the below code to your robots.txt file

User-agent: MJ12bot Disallow: / User-agent: SemrushBot Disallow: / User-agent: SemrushBot-SA Disallow: / User-agent: rogerbot Disallow:/ User-agent: dotbot Disallow:/ User-agent: AhrefsBot Disallow: / User-agent: Alexibot Disallow: / User-agent: SurveyBot Disallow: / User-agent: Xenu’s Disallow: / User-agent: Xenu’s Link Sleuth 1.1c Disallow: /

If you are looking for an extensively broad list to block them via .htaccess then download the .htaccess file from here

Safety Tips to avoid Deindexation

  • One PBN should point to only one Money Site of yours, don’t mix up and use the same PBN to point to your other Money Site.
  • Get Quality Hosting (GoPBN is highly recommended).
  • Use Multiple Domain registrar
  • Get different Nameservers, IPs, and location for your hosting.
  • Hide your Whois details using Fakenamegenerator
  • Block all the unwanted crawlers
  • Do not share your PBN
  • Do not sell links
  • Get High-Quality contents for your PBN
  • Have About Us, Contact Us & Privacy Policy Page
  • Avoid using same themes, plugins and preferably CMS too.
  • Do not use spammy domain

how to further reduce the risk for your PBN?

Read Doug Cunnington’s fantastic advise and also domcop’s writeup on blog network

Final Conclusion

I know PBN are extremely time-consuming and expensive, but can be very fruitful..

Do I use PBN for every niche project I execute?

Yes, I Do!

What about you?

If you love the article then leave your comment below letting me know what do you think about PBN


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Originally Posted on: GoPBN Blog

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About The Author

Udit Goenka is the Co-Founder & CEO of Power Up Hosting & GoPBN. You can connect with him on Twitter, Google+, Facebook, or LinkedIn.


GoPBN is the Ultimate way to start, grow, and monetize your Private Blog Network. Checkout and Follow me on Twitter: @GoPBNCloud