How to Successfully Generate, Nurture & Qualify Open House Leads in 6 Weeks Using Spacio and Your CRM

7 min readSep 12, 2018



The best open house lead generation systems help you generate, nurture, and qualify leads from beginning to end. How? Through strategic lead follow-up and programmed lead management.

Open House Lead Generation

50% of home purchasers go to open houses during their home search process, making open houses one of the best ways to generate leads. Open houses are also a cost-efficient way to generate and convert leads from people you meet in real life. In fact, offline selling converts 40% of prospects to customers, which is almost 2x higher than the average conversion rate for online leads across all industries.

Why Lead Nurture Programs are Important

After you’ve generated the lead, regular follow-up is essential to stay top of mind and build the relationship. Nurtured leads result in 20% increase in sales opportunities. But it takes multiple touchpoints to get the business, so having a nurture program will help you:

  • Efficiently manage all your lead sources
  • Ensure nobody falls through the cracks
  • Build personalized and automated campaigns
  • Increase your productivity so you can spend more time building valuable relationships

Nurturing and Qualifying a Lead

After an open house, you have a limited amount of time to qualify a lead and determine their readiness to make a transaction. The sooner, and more consistently, that you reach out, the more likely you will be able to assess the potential of working with the client. Automating and speeding up this process through a nurture program enables you to start building a more valuable relationship with the client, leading to more opportunities for sales and closing deals.


The Problem with Paper Lead Capture

After a busy weekend of open houses, it can be a headache trying to consolidate leads from paper sign-in sheets. Relying on manual lead generation from pen and paper is inefficient, prone to errors, and creates missed lead generation opportunities because sign-in sheets get lost or unreadable handwriting cannot be deciphered.

The Problem with Lead Generation

Too often, we see agents hinder their lead nurture by:

  • Sending generic follow-ups
  • Sending too many or too little follow-ups
  • Not sending any follow-ups at all

Many agents have told us that they don’t know how to properly follow up with leads from open houses, and what to write in their emails. We know that crafting the right message to send can be a struggle.

This is why we’ve put together a guide, in partnership with Contactually, on how to follow up with leads in order to help you successfully qualify open house leads in just six weeks.


Digital Lead Generation Capture

Paperless lead generation solutions, like Spacio, help you collect visitors contact information with ease, speed, and professionalism. Spacio has also integrated with a number of leading CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems where all registered leads from your open house immediately flow directly to your CRM for ongoing lead nurture and qualification. Integrations with partner tools ensure you quickly qualify leads, deliver timely and proper follow-up, and move prospects to the next phase in your relationship building.

At Spacio, we believe the ingredients needed to create a successful nurture program include:

1. Knowing WHO to follow up with: using a digital sign-in solution for accurate and efficient lead generation

2. Knowing WHAT to follow up with: personalized follow-up messages

3. Knowing WHEN and HOW to follow up: strategic timing with an automated system

Using A CRM For Lead Qualification
It’s certainly possible to execute lead qualification manually, but that often results in messy spreadsheets and inconsistent follow-up. Instead many agents and brokers choose a CRM to centralize their lead generation to increase productivity.

With Spacio’s integration partners, like Contactually, you can make this process into a repeatable and easily automated program — reminding you to stay on track for how you want to manage your open house leads.

Not only that, you can create dynamic custom fields that make it a whole lot easier to consistently complete personalized fields (such as name, common interests, etc) in each email, text message, or phone call.

In fact, we’ve been told that using a CRM open house program, like Contactually, helps agents “qualify up to 25% of open house leads before the end of the nurture program”.

Interested in using Spacio and Contactually together? Here’s how you can integrate the two solutions:

How to use Spacio and Contactually


We’ve developed a 6-week follow-up program that we recommend to all agents in order to engage and qualify a lead. Once the lead is qualified, move this contact to your standard workflow for long-term or short-term qualified leads. If, by the end of the program, the lead has not responded, the lead is usually considered “dead” and you may choose to re-engage with them in the future as you see fit (Spacio still recommends that you follow up at least a couple times per year with all dead leads (hey — you just never know right?. Contactually even provides recommended programs and content for campaigns like this.)

Please note: Contactually’s lead nurture and qualification program is a three-week program, with a greater focus on emails. We extended this program across a longer six-week period in the Spacio dashboard by adding phone calls and text messages, since using Spacio for your open house increases the number of leads with a phone number. The goal of both programs is to consistently follow up to qualify the lead, and to front-load the communication into the days and weeks immediately after your first meeting with the visitor.

We suggest using a variety of methods to reach out (emails, phone calls, and text messages) as each client may have different communication preferences. Agents (and clients) are comfortable texting (Note: One-third of Americans now prefer texting to phone calls, and 90% of people read a text message within the first 3 minutes of receiving it.)


We’re happy to share the first email template from step 1 in our program with you!

To access the full guide and all of our templates for email, voice message and text messaging, simply sign into Spacio and click on Leads+.

Step 1: Automated Open House Email
: To send a quick reminder to the visitor about the open house they just viewed. The visitors may have viewed a number of different properties that day, and sending an instant follow-up (we recommend 3 hours after their visit) will help you and the property stay top of mind. This email is sent directly from the Spacio app via the Auto Email feature.

You can enable the Auto Email feature in Spacio to automate your first open house follow-up to visitors or to their agents that they register. For more information on how this works, watch our tutorial video. We recommend manually using the template email below if you choose not to use Spacio’s Auto Email Feature

Subject: Thank you for viewing the open house at [PROPERTY NAME/ADDRESS]


Hi [NAME],

Thank you for taking the time to attend the open house for [PROPERTY NAME/ADDRESS] on [DATE]. If you have any remaining questions regarding this property, please feel free to contact me at [PHONE NUMBER] or by email at [EMAIL].

Below you will find more information for your reference.





You can find more information online at [WEBSITE URL].

If this particular property did not meet all of the criteria you are looking for, I am confident that I can help you find your ideal home that meets your criteria within your designated price range. Just let me know what you’re looking for.

Thanks for stopping by!


Brian Giambalvo of Corcoran


Interested in hearing first-hand from a fellow agent about the power and value of a proper lead nurture program?

Brian Giambalvo of Corcoran shares his experience and success with using Spacio and Contactually for optimum lead generation and follow-up.

“My leads come into Contactually directly upon signing in on the Spacio app. I then follow up with leads via a Contactually Program. I also tag contacts with the property where I met them, so I can track the types of properties they might be interested in.

This program has been working for me! A client signed into my Open House and I began my follow-up plan. She wasn’t ready to buy at the time, but a few months later I saw a listing with a similarly priced/sized apartment and sent a ScaleMail blast to everyone with that tag. She called me within 6 minutes and said she had been meaning to get in touch. I met her 2 days later and signed an exclusive listing of her property for $600K.”


Remember to sign up for Spacio and Contactually to get started on your 6-week lead generation, nurture, and qualification program. Once you’re signed up, sign into the Spacio dashboard and click on Leads+ in the menu to access the full program. (Click on Leads+ > Programs > Lead Qualification).

Leads+ is Spacio’s comprehensive open house resource filled with best practices, programs and actionable items to help real estate professionals get the most out of open houses.

We’ve interviewed top agents, teams and brokerages to bring you the best advice, insights and tips so you can create and hold successful open houses to foster relationships, generate quality leads and close more deals.

Don’t have Spacio yet? Sign up for a 30-day free trial now:

You can also start building meaningful relationships today with a 14-day free trial with Contactually:




Spacio is the paperless open house solution that helps real estate agents maximize lead generation opportunities by automating lead capture and follow up.