2019.2.26 CTO Community Sharing

8 min readFeb 26, 2019


1.Q: First let our CTO briefly introduce GoWithMi~

A: GoWithMi is the only blockchain project in the world that can be used and landed, but recently people are slowly calling us: “the project that puts Bitcoin on the map.”

2.Q: What is the strategic position of GoWithMi?

A: GoWithMi is actually standing at the key points of the two dimensions of time and space:

The point in space is that in response to the Belt and Road, China’s technology is fully oversea. Behind GoWithMi is the entire Chinese GIS industry with an output value of 670 billion yuan. GoWithMi is in front of an emerging market with more than 60% of the world’s land and 4 billion young population.

We are the only blockchain project in the industry that has been endorsed by China’s GIS (Geographic Information System) industry.

At the 6th China Geospatial Information Entrepreneur Annual Summit in 2018, Yuguo Sun, the president of China Association for Geographic Information System and the new founder of NavInfo, commented on GoWithMi. “The entire Chinese geographic information industry has an output value of 670 billion yuan, but there is almost no income from overseas. I hope GoWithMi can lead the Chinese geographic information industry to go abroad.”

In terms of points in time, we used to be the O2O and sharing economy that flourished in the past 10 years. Our future is distributed business.

In the past 10 years, Internet hotspots have driven the real world by the digital world. The digital world drives the drivers in reality, and connects the guests to the destination, which is UBER, Didi; the digital world drives the reality of the food delivery, from the restaurant to the customer, which is Meituan, is gojek-food; the digital world drives the reality landlord and tenant, which is Airbnb; the real world drives bicycles and users, which is Mobike, is ofo.

The technology is perfect, and the market is booming. However, it left a fatal problem — -the monopoly of information and the unfair distribution of value. There are Didi carpooling rape and killing incidents, and the sudden increase in the price of Meituan take out. In extreme cases, Meituan receives 22% of every single order, and the merchants receive 3%.

We need blockchain maps to solve such problems. Only by using the blockchain map can you break the real world controlled by the giants to the digital world, let the blockchain securely connect the real world, allow the reality and the virtual world to form Turing’s complete programmable business network, developing a broader not hostage, a broader non-tamperable, and a broader fairness.

3. Q: Why does GoWithMi need to achieve such fairness through maps?

A: Then we have to answer what a map is. As shown in the figure, the map is the “level” from the real world held by the giants of the traditional Internet to the digital world. The reason is very simple. All the real people and vehicles must use the map location-based service to convert their information in the physical space into their own information in the digital space and then integrate with the Internet service.

Why is it called “level”? Because the map service is the same as the level, who can pass, who can not pass, and what data to leave when you pass the level, the giants have the final say. This is why China has three big map companies and departments that belong to BAT, which is why Meituan and Didi need to do maps right after they reach the scale. The life and death of one’s own products cannot be controlled by other companies.

What if a decentralized blockchain plus a centralized map?

An equal-right network has an unconstrained “super-center terminal controls data and services”. It violates the system architecture idea of blockchain. As a super-center terminal, the centralized map can tamper with any information from reality to blockchain, blockchain to reality without a 51% attack.

Lastly, GoWithMi brought decentralized maps to the blockchain, and we provide a map service what is Homologous isomorphism to the blockchain, making the blockchain secure and not being hijacked when connecting the world. Only decentralization is safe, for which we even achieve storing full data on the chain.

4. Q: Why does GoWithMi claim to be able to solve the above problems? How to ensure that using GoWithMi’s map is safe and fair?

A: For this question, we use technology to answer. We are the only project in the world that implements storing full transaction data on the chain. Only by storing full transaction data on the chain, can we guarantee that no one, including us, can coerce everyone’s fairness.

Storing full data on the chain needs to solve two problems, 1 traditional Internet services including maps, have strong dependences on computing. 2 Data synchronization issues worldwide.

The first question we have solved through network fragmentation, we use a unique double-chain design to solve high computing performance dependency problems.

The data synchronization problem, we solve it through GeoMesh.

This is more technical, as a technical man, I really want to have a special session and talk to everyone about it. Today I can only give you a rough idea, but this technical design has been widely recognized in the industry technology circle.

5. Q: We know that GoWithMi adopts the dual token mode, one is GMAT and the other is GoZone. What kind of consideration is the design based on?


The essence of the double token is to separate the function of guaranteeing liquidity from the interest of guaranteeing continuous income. This is actually a relatively common anti-fall token design in the industry.

Among them, we are more innovative in the design of the GoZone land rights on the chain.

“Equalize the wealth and share the field”, “beat the local tyrant divide the land” Any evolution in the production relationship, the most important point in its economic design is the ownership of the “core production materials”, just as the land is the support of the real economy and the core production materials, the distributed maps are the support of blockchain and core production materials. When a blockchain empowers an entity, it needs a distributed map as a secure, reliable, blockchain and reality connection layer. All the value of blockchains harvested from reality will be returned to the chain through this connection layer, just as crops grow on the land.

Distributed maps empower the real economy’s business scenarios will be more and more abundant, but because GoZone anchors the physical world, it will never be over-extended, in this way to ensure the long-term interests of GoZone owners, to ensure their shared ecological growth income.

The video shows the recent achievements of our work:

Video 1: Taiwan video

This is a plan we have made for Taiwan’s Kaohsiung dollar. We offer cashback when spending Kaohsiung dollar in the store, and we hope that users can reach them as soon as they got off the plane.

Furthermore, we hope to give each store the freedom to publish its own business information, even if it is an aunt who sells fish balls, you can decide when and where to distribute your own advertisements or discounts, and decide what kind of people can receive.

Fan A: The aunt who sells fish balls also can issue coins?
Answer: Yes, the freedom for everyone to issue coins.

Fan B: Based on GMAT, the mother currency, can everyone issue coins?
Answer: Yes, isn’t the success of Ethereum is to allow everyone to issue coins? Think about each store issues currency? Endorsed by the credit of your own shop and the GMAT pledge.

Fan C: Is it distributing coupon?
Answer: This currency can be a discounted coupon, can be an advertisement, can be a membership card, and can be anything you give to the user.

Video 2: Indoor map

This is our latest technological achievement. In addition to outdoor maps, we hope to also provide indoor maps, so that users can seamlessly obtain all the spatial business information in urban life. After that, we will launch indoor maps for major shopping malls in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Video 3: Light up the logo
We are addressing brand strategic cooperation with Indonesia’s second largest telecom operator “XL Axiata”. We expect to light up the XL Axiata logo on all buildings in the Jakarta map for a period of time, and in return, they will provide us with a lot of channel resources.

Fans: What are miners like?
Answer: We have six main roles, and the miners for BTC have two types:
Mapper miners through the coordinated game of executing data collection, report data to generate revenue, and mortgage GMAT to obtain high-return tasks.
Regardless of the performance of the equipment, the spatial computing power miners can obtain the equal rights mining revenue by providing spatial computing power, and the mortgage GMAT to become a miner.

Fans: How do you play, how can you generate coins?
Answer: If it is mining production, then it is mainly the two roles that I just shared, but you can also work for others and let him pay you coins. GMAT also plays a role in trading.

Fans: Is this 3D space map generated by satellite or technology integration? How do you deal with the privacy area involvement? Is there any related policy support?
Answer: A standard GoWithMi map production is divided into two steps. 1 Using AI to extract the spatial display data in the satellite image, this can already produce the basic display data. 2 The current use of coordination games will soon directly use AI to allow users to collect attribute data, such as the appearance of the building, the traffic conditions of the road, and so on.

Involving privacy Gaia has a new technology, “In order to ensure the security of user privacy data, we have made innovative design on the storage medium, the user privacy data only exists in the full credit node based on the user’s personal mobile phone, super node and local node measure the Merkel tree hash as a synchronization verification tool.”

In terms of policy support, we have the Belt and Road Initiative in China, and we have strategically cooperated with the Beidou Navigation System. In Indonesia, our investor Kresna already has 17 listed companies. It will help us apply for more policy support.

Fans: I have one more question, blame me for not reading the whitepaper. Since mining is designed, is it an incremental or a deflated model?
Answer: If it is data collection, we will use bancor. On the one hand, it is the reward of GMAT, and on the other hand, is the amount of data that is not collected.




World’s Decentralized Location-Based Services Infrastructure & Map Ecological Public Chain