Because you like getting smarter overtime — PAZO update 8.2

Pazo Inc
3 min readAug 3, 2020


PAZO Update 8.2

All of us in PAZO know that these are challenging times. We hope that we can give you a little bit of comfort by delivering our product update to you from the safe, physical distance of our own homes. Welcome to our PAZO Update 8.2

Mobile App

Need to edit your answers in drafts — No worries, we’ve got your back

PAZO Update 8.2
  • Now, you can easily edit the Checklists Draft answers once a setting for Drafts is enabled which will allow you to Edit the answers on Drafts
  • In an Editable draft, now any user of the same department could make changes.
  • Each time any user modifies the answer, an auto-generated comment will be highlighted.
    For E.g.: Eliza modified the answer from Gate 1 Front Entrance to Gate 2 Back Entrance at 11:00 a.m. 04/Jun/2020
  • Now you can easily view the comments history on:

Checklists Reports Page on Mobile App and Web App
On Attachment/Comments Screen on Mobile App:
All previous comments will be shown

  • You can edit/modify the answers as well as the attachments any number of times, before the final submission of the checklist.
  • Now, when “Allow editing in the draft” setting is enabled, Checklist with default values are also allowed in drafts

Attach any type of file on Checklist Submit

PAZO Update 8.2
  • Now, there is a New attachment screen that allows users to attach any type of file such as pdf, doc, xls, ppt, txt along with the live image option.
  • Users can also view the previous comments on the new attachment/comments screen.

Attachment section can be seen on
Mobile App->Checklist Submit-> Question-> Attachment(pin) icon

  • You can see the attachments on:

Checklist Reports Page on Mobile and Web Apps respectively
All Images from Submit Checklist of Image Field and Attachment images will be shown on Image Gallery

  • Maximum File Size for any type of attachment should be 10 MB

Warning!!! Duplicate Submission of Checklist

PAZO Update 8.2
  • To avoid the duplicate submission of the same schedule, you will get an alert message whenever an already submitted checklist is submitted again.
  • This will be applicable to any person within a department.
    For E.g.: If a checklist has been submitted by a user A in the department and user B of the same department tries to submit it again, an alert message will be popped up. But the user will still be able to submit the checklist

Making checklists fun

PAZO Update 8.2

Now, you can select an Emoji as an answer (if added from WebApp)
while submitting the checklist

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Pazo Inc

PAZO empowers the deskless workforce across the facility, retail and hospitality industries to make routine operations efficient — all from your mobile device.