It’s Time We Take The Deskless Workforce Seriously

Pazo Inc
1 min readApr 27, 2020


Not everybody around the globe sits at a workstation completing a 9–5 job. In fact, 80% of the individuals consist of deskless workforce. As much as technology has advanced and improved businesses, deskless workers haven’t been able to reap the benefits.

Who do we call the deskless workforce? The 2.7 billion people across various industries from hospitality to facilities to healthcare, who are mobile when they work are the deskless workforce.

There has been quite a lot of advancement in digital transformation across all the industries, but organizations still face a disconnect in optimizing their routine operations.

“The mobile workers make up most of the industries’ workforce and it’s high time to provide them with digital support to improve how businesses grow”

says Hasan Ali Kanba, Co-founder of Pazo. “To see that although the business technology market is a $300 billion one but still only

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Pazo Inc

PAZO empowers the deskless workforce across the facility, retail and hospitality industries to make routine operations efficient — all from your mobile device.