
How to easily donate to your NPO through dining, by “Checking In” at Gochiso partnered restaurants

6 min readMay 20, 2018

支援したいNPOページから「Auto Donate」をオンに設定してください。チェックインを利用するたびに自動的に寄付できます。

First, from the NPO page that you want to support on gochiso.jp, turn on “auto-donate.”


Find what restaurants you want to go to and the points offered.


When you are at the restaurant, click “Check-in” from the restaurant page.


After you pay, save the receipt, visit the restaurant web page, and click on the “add receipt” button.

Take a picture of the receipt and click “Add Receipt.”

レシートが確認された後、ポイントは加算されて、寄付の通知が来ます。 NPOのGochisoページから寄付した金額が見られます!

When your receipt is confirmed, you’ll receive a notification of your donation to your NPO. You can visit the NPO page from the notification to see your donation by clicking on the link.


You’re done! Please use it to donate to your NPO.


To increase support for your NPO,


While waiting for your order, to increase support for your NPO, you can tell your friends that they can check in and donate to your group the next time at this restaurant or at other restaurants on Gochiso.



To increase support for your NPO, share your recent donation by clicking “Share.” Now others can also dine and donate to support your NPO!


Add a Gochiso icon to your home screen for quick access!

iPhone 用

  1. gochiso.jpを検索し、 下に出てくる真ん中のアイコンをクリック。From gochiso.jp click on the “bookmark” icon at the bottom center of the screen.

2.「ホーム画面に追加」をクリックし、ファイル名を設定して保存。Click the icon for “Add to home screen”.

3. ホーム画面にGochisoのアイコンが加わりました。You’ve got a shortcut to Gochiso on your home screen!

Android 用

1. gochiso.jpを検索し、ブラウザーの右上にあるドットをクリック。From gochiso.jp, click the 3 dots on the top right of your browser.

2.「ホーム画面に追加」をクリックし、ファイル名を設定して保存。Click “Add to home screen” and save a title.

3. ホーム画面にGochisoのアイコンが加わりました! You’ve got a shortcut to Gochiso on your home screen!






外食を通じてポイントをもらいながら、社会にも貢献できるプラットホームです。 Gochiso is a giving platform and lets you earn rewards and give back to society by dining out.