Use Astrology to Choose Your Wedding Day (Just Like the Royal Couple Did!)

Dawn Champine
9 min readMay 14, 2018


The Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle is scheduled to take place May 19, 2018,12:00 noon, at St. George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle.

(Image credit: By Alex Lubomirski /Getty Images.)

I am a sucker for a good romance story and you can bet I was glued to the television as I watched the Lifetime movie, “Harry and Meghan: A Royal Romance.” Of course, as an astrologer, I just had to have the Royal Couple’s wedding day chart on hand to study as I watched.

I love helping couples select favorable wedding dates for their nuptials. This is not an easy task, as it involves a careful analysis of each partner’s birth charts against the future alignment of stars that will support a happy, harmonious and fruitful union.

A wedding chart is not a compatibility chart, but is, in essence, a natal chart for the birth of the union itself. It describes not only the cosmic conditions of the day, but also foretells what the couple can expect regarding their marriage.

According to news reports, Meghan and Harry chose a Saturday date (despite the tradition for weekday Royal Weddings) because they wanted a day that would be easier for the people to participate in festivities.

I think there was more to it than that. It is no secret the Royal Family uses astrology, but if there were ever any doubts about this, the Wedding Day chart would clear up these doubts immediately. I believe the Royal Couple chose the date based on the astrology. There are so many great things about this chart and you just know the Royal Astrologer had all the boxes checked…

So, what do the stars have to say about the Royal Couple’s union? Let’s take a look….

When researching favorable timing for an upcoming wedding, the first thing I look to is the condition of Venus. As the planetary ruler of relationships, a promising marriage chart has Venus in direct motion and is well positioned.

On the day of the Royal Wedding, Venus is moving direct and preparing to enter the sign of Cancer. In Gemini, Venus is the social butterfly, attracting with her intellect, charm and wit. Here, she loves a casual soiree just as much as she enjoys a high society ball. In Cancer, Venus becomes more nurturing, focused on caring for her lover and her family. Either way, the fact Venus is transiting this threshold bodes well for both the event and the longterm marriage itself.


Next on the list of favorable characteristics for a marriage chart is the condition of the Moon and its applying aspects.

The Moon symbolizes the “inner landscape,” how the couple really feels about each other, and in a marriage chart, it describes the emotional foundation of the union.

In this case, the Moon is a waxing crescent in her ruling sign of Cancer, a great time for starting a new family. It is applying trine to the archetype of success, Jupiter, the last aspect it makes before going Void of Course later that evening. (In electional charts, the last aspect the moon makes before going VOC is very important for the success of the intention. This aspect is about the best one can have for a wedding — the other best aspect would be an applying trine or sextile to Venus.)

Note also the Moon is making a lovely aspect to the Sun, indicating a harmonious relationship. Aspects between the Moon and Sun are important, as the two luminaries represent the couple themselves, and it really can not get any better than this positioning.


The next characteristic we look to is the chart’s ruling planet, in this case, the Sun.

With a Leo Rising (for royalty, obviously!), the chart’s ruler is the Sun, which is well positioned in the 10th house of public reputation.

I find it interesting to note that Markle’s natal planetary ruler (Sun) and Prince Harry’s planetary ruler (Mercury) are well positioned at the top of the chart, one on each side of the Midheaven, indicating a SOLID connection between the couple themselves.

This also indicates a power-couple with the potential to be well liked by the general public. And in the sign of Taurus, these two are known as a stable, attractive and magnetic couple.


The angles (Ascendent/ Descendent and the MC/IC axes) represent the foundation of the marriage and choosing a date and time that allows for fixed angles is an important consideration if you want a chart that reflects a long lasting union.

Cardinal signs here indicate themes of initiation within the marriage. That is, getting off to a great start, but cardinal angles can make it more challenging (not impossible) for the marriage to withstand the tests of time. You just have to keep things fresh and exciting.

Mutable signs on the angles may indicate flexibility within the union, but brings challenges of its own sort as mutable signs want to “dissolve.” Again, not impossible for a happy union with this characteristic, but it does lend to a never-ending quest for connection and the potential for the “wandering eye.”

With Harry’s and Meghan’s wedding chart having fixed angles, essentially grounded in centuries old tradition, the marriage itself will be a stable, long-lasting union.


What about children?

The very first thing I zeroed in on upon seeing this chart was that stacked Fifth House, and initially thought the couple could expect lots of happy little ones running around soon!

If a marriage couple are interested in having children, the sign on the cusp of the fifth house should be fertile and ruler of the fifth house in dignity.

In the case here, Sagittarius gets mixed reviews. Traditional astrology considers fire signs barren, not ideal for “growing” things. However, as Sagittarius is ruled by the God of Abundance, Jupiter, it tends to get a pass. Perhaps this ambiguity is the reason modern astrologers consider Sagittarius a “semi-fruitful” sign?

So, with the mixed messaging, how do we interpret this one?

We must consider the ruling planet’s position and the overall condition of the fifth house.

Jupiter in the water sign of Scorpio, conjunct the IC (family, foundations, ancestors) AND making that lovely aspect to the fertile, waxing Moon, seems to indicate that we can expect at least one child from the Royal Couple.

But….there is the fact Jupiter is retrograde, meaning, it is not performing in its highest capacity and thus would indicate some false hope.

However, the position and aspects here — all favorable — may override that otherwise unfavorable conditioning and I’d say that it may be some time before the couple conceives.


Some interesting thoughts: Sagittarius is the sign of “foreigners”… I get that Meghan is considered a foreigner in this relationship, but could this also be a clue that the Royal Couple might adopt children? Might they sponsor children from other countries? Do they already? Is it that their charity work is focused on children? This would also seem to support that T-square between Moon/ Mars and Uranus, which I will cover in more detail below…

I feel it is important to mention a disclaimer here, and that is there is never a case of a perfect chart. If you are looking for the best wedding date, or business launch date or when to sell your house, even, there are certain things you need to know….

I believe strongly that one should never use a chart to avoid engaging with Life.

Instead, it is helpful to understand that a chart is more like a weather forecast letting you know if you might need a proverbial raincoat or some sunscreen, or both! If the cosmic conditions are favorable, it does make manifesting your intentions easier, but there are hardly any charts sans difficult aspects.

In the Royal Couple’s wedding chart, I see some, er, interesting challenges, too…

For instance, with Ceres, the Mother archetype, in the 12th house, it appears there are some “hidden enemies” hanging out in their house of undoing. The 12th house is associated with spirituality, self-sabotage, institutions and also, death.

It is no secret that the Queen has not always been supportive of her offspring’s desire to do things in their own, authentic style, counter to centuries of tradition. Could this reluctance be a manifestation of that aspect?

Or, another interesting possibility….could Ceres in the 12th house be symbolic of the potential for the projection of idealized standards (i.e. the ghost of Princess Diana) onto the relationship? What psychological work will the couple have to recognize and overcome? It can be difficult for any woman to maintain a happy and healthy relationship with her mother in law. But when the mother in law has passed on, the potential for living up to her ideals from beyond the grave is very strong.

The 8th house of “hidden agendas” also supports this notion, as well, with Neptune, the archetype of projections, hanging out here, along with Chiron (our deepest wounds, but greatest strength if acknowledged) and Juno (Goddess of Marriage). The difference between 8th house issues and 12th house issues are that the 8th house issues are often acknowledged (but secretly, or through some embarrassing shadowy experience) and 12th house issues remain repressed by the native.

We, the general public, may never see how this plays out within the marriage, but it is interesting to note, none-the-less. If they can overcome these challenges, it will be a source of deep connection and powerful, karmic healing.

We can also get a sense of what the private life will be like. The fourth house in Scorpio might give a private life subject to secrets and power plays and scandals, oh my! Or, it could simply be a manifestation that this couple are members of the Plutocracy. With Jupiter here, I suspect it is the later, and again, with that lovely aspect to the Moon (ruler of the fourth house), their private life will be quite cozy.

As we already know, their income (2nd house cusp in Virgo) is derived from their duties and obligations in service as members of the Royal Family. Mercury elevated and in the sign of Taurus suggests a lifestyle of riches and luxury (but duh, right?)

And what of those explosive T-squares involving Moon, Pluto, Mars and Uranus….? The first thing I thought upon seeing these was that there might be fertility issues (see section on children, above…) as the Moon (in Cancer/ 11th house) represents motherhood, Mars (in Aquarius/ 6th house) is associated with fatherhood and the apex pointing to Uranus (in Taurus/ 9th house) could indicate a desire to adopt children. This could be an ultimate “bucking of tradition.”

It is more likely suggestive of their ongoing dedication to their charity work with children.

The second T-square is similar but involves Pluto instead of Mars, another marker for tension and power plays and sudden changes in plans.

Some have said these configurations may indicate the wedding will not happen as planned, but I think this aspect speaks more to the fact that Prince Harry is marrying Meghan Markle, a black American divorcee and this union bucks tradition at almost every turn.

The last time a member of the Royal Family married an American was in 1936, when King Edward abdicated his throne in order to marry American divorcee, Wallis Simpson.

Oh, and there is the fact Meghan Markle is biracial. The last time a black person sat on the throne was the 1700s, with the reign of Queen Charlotte.

In this case, Uranus is conjunct the Queen’s natal sun at 0* Taurus, and this aspect could be a manifestation of the Queen’s conscious intention to publicly embrace diversity, thus “modernizing” — and actually strengthening — Royal Traditions.

One final thought is that Grand Water Trine between Moon/ Jupiter and Neptune. This configuration is also known as a “Psychic Triangle” and within a marriage chart, indicates a strong emotional connection based on deep love for one another. No matter what obstacles this couple encounters, they have the support net of their undying love to pull them through.

Again, there is NO SUCH THING as a perfect chart and every relationship certainly has its own share of challenges…it will be interesting to watch how this unfolds as their marriage progresses.

Overall, May 19, 2018 12:00 noon, is about as good as it gets for a marriage chart and this couple appears to have the blessing of the Cosmos on their side.

In the meantime, where is my fascinator? I’ve got a Royal Wedding to Livestream….

