⚠️IRREFUTABLE⚠️: Las Vegas Shooting False Flag(Getty Photo Analysis = FAIL)

14 min readOct 14, 2017


Where’s Waldo? The hidden crisis. Does ANYONE look like they’re getting shot at? Seriously? I actually thought this was legit, but upon looking for evidence I noticed the incredibly poor job done to stage this. I suspect a REAL attack was planned and foiled and they had to work with what they had. Since Trump is silent I can only surmise. GTW is NOT refuting deaths in LV that night, but IS refuting this ‘mass murder’ narrative at the concert venue: i.e. there is no ‘fence of death’.

Table of Contents

  • UPDATE: REAL TARGET Identified?
  • Getty BS Images showing nothing but Crisis Actors for Photo Ops
  • Hospitalized Patients are FRAUD ( possibly Trump ☹)
  • Web Pages posted on 9/29 about Stephen Paddock ( this happens everytime they do this )
  • Owner of MGM Sold Most/All Stock on 9/29: $900M CapLoss
  • Take it from a Trauma Surgeon
  • REAL Crime Scenes
  • REAL Victims
  • FEMA Excerises & Vegas
  • List of More Media TRAITORS
  • Motive?

Thumb Broken, Pity Your Scroll Wheel or Rather YouTube it…?(deprecated)

Part 1

Part 2

UPDATE 10/15/2017
The largest faction of detractors seem to be ‘victim justice warriors’ in that somehow because someone ‘may’ have been injured, we lose the right to scrutinize. Though CNN & MSM have been repeatedly called out by the president AS LIARS(traitors), when they play to your empathy & compassion they are now a reliable source — of lies. Perhaps I’m an ass for questioning, I say you are an ass for rewarding this behavior & you are placing ME and my FAMILY in harm’s way by not addressing THIS hoax so the NEXT will surely come.

I originally thought this was REAL, then I started thinking clearly. If it comes to pass that there WAS 50+ killed and 500+ injured, I’ll gladly retract & produce YT video with info. I haven’t seen victims nor a crime scene. Some actor with a bandage on their neck moving their head around freely proves nothing. Sellouts are all around us, CIA & DNI heads called for Trump’s ouster on national TV, so 100’s lying is actually a step down from that form of treason.

I suspect that the REAL terror attack was prevented, thus FBI/MSM confusion on the story & they may have been too far along to back out. This is the only scenario I know of that cover’s my loyalty to our President

[UPDATE 10/14/2017 1:40pm]

It dawned on me why everyone has their CELL PHONES OUT
They are calling LVPD or FEMA to imitate REAL CALLERS
Also to get PhotoOps for all scenarios for CNN and rest of the MSM vultures
Every Social Platform is being blasted with Gun Rights Trolls & prepared scripts ahead of time ( from people that were THERE? ), thus the OH SHIT moment with the FBI & LVPD when obvious stuff was derailing the Rape of American Sovereignty.
Who runs this Country? Cause I’m hearing nothing at the top

Pre-Req for this 301 Course:

Getting Un-cucked’: Tired of the FRAUDVirtue Signalling’ from those dinosaurs still using Cable & MSM news: Think People give a shit about you? HA! You are kidding yourself.

SELLOUT SANPAN: Being naive, doesn’t change facts:

License Dietician, mother of 3, Certified Financial Advisor, + 40 more aliases & Paid to Lie.


A CIA ‘Janet’ airstrip sits behind the venue & shuttles assets to secret locations, including Area51.


  • The vantage point of the hotel rooms are much more suited for targeting the airstrip
  • This would explain:
  • reported car chases & shoot-outs away from the venue
  • Tropicana shots reported
  • why shots heard ‘everywhere’, but no bullets striking the venue
  • why authorities are preferring to let the venue be the target than exposing & publicizing the ‘secret’ airstrip that carries assets daily
  • Looking for other explanations as there is no crime scene at the venue

Let’s start here: Getty Images

  • Cell phone users on either side of any line of fire — Cops aren’t accosting them to leave
  • So we have 4 officers taking cover from behind the car, one on the ground lying prone
  • We have a texter standing up with no obvious concern
  • We have someone talking on the phone IN THE LINE OF FIRE ( it is Vegas )
  • No Blood
  • Illuminati: Route91 Harvest
  • Illuminati: Satanic Hand Gesture in bottom LEFT
  • This one is EVEN more ridiculous
  • Only explanation for this is these crisis actors are calling/texting into the Vegas 911 switchboard to provide stimulus for the FEMA excercise. You will notice many of the actors on their phones despite ‘being shot at’.
  • I wouldn’t stand in front of a weapon EVEN if I knew it was unloaded (it is Vegas though)
  • FEMA exercise… people STILL at BAR?
  • While people jumping over fence?
  • While Bartender in black shirt still working?
  • Any bullet holes in that fence where 500 people were shot & 50+ killed?
  • Bee Ess
  • Seriously?
  • People are STILL seated out front of the bar while crisis actors hop a fence
  • Good time to check text messages
  • Good time to chat with boyfriend
  • Good time to look for any non-existent blood
  • Ha! Sorry, its those little moments in life…
  • Oh, let me kneel and text instead of lay down while I’m getting shot at — sending data into emg services for the FEMA script?
  • Look at all the blood!
  • NOTE the dude in the hat & the GIRL in the shirt
  • So two HUGE guys loiter, one holding himself up with the wall while the female struggles to carry another crisis actor
  • No blood anywhere to be seen from someone too incapacitated by injury to walk
  • Anyone seem in a hurry?
  • Freaked out?
  • 6 EMT personnel outdoors while the above guy & gal doing all the work?
  • Two people chillin’ under the Tent they got setup real quickly
  • Guess we should take a seat & hang while there are Shooters on the loose & Bellagio is getting shot up
  • 550+ victims with gunshot wounds & not a trace of blood
  • Not a trace of blood anywhere
  • Are we really this stupid?
  • Not an investigator in sight
  • So here’s a good time to throw in a theory
  • The abundance of Illuminati symbolism makes me think the harvest wasn’t victims dying, but an induction — through ‘fake death’ possibly as a rite of passage for Satanic DeepState… we’ll see below, we’re about to have someone Graduate in MAY 2018 & go RIGHT into Criminal Prosecution

6 (1-story) speaker array was producing the cacophony of ‘gunfire’

You will notice that those near the stage had gunfire the loudest while those CLOSER to Mandalay Bay & further away from the stage had less of an effect.

MANY caught on video saying “its coming from the speakers” and “its coming from the sound system”

What you will NOT find in ANY video is ‘visible red hot bullets raining down’ nor will you hear ANY bullets hitting ANYthing

While you hear people screaming, there is NO SINGLE PERSON saying ‘man down’ or ‘I’m HIT’ or people screaming in agony from actually being hit.

As for ‘faked deaths’…Oh, it happens.. I suspect often. I also suspect its a sick form of being ‘reborn’…. and into some foul family. That’s another sad day I’ll need to address….moving on — somewhat irrelevant.

  • People in hospital for getting hit 20 ft from stage?
  • We have video from the stage refuting this. In fact, video footage supports that ESPECIALLY near the stage, the ground was clear of any dead people
  • There is not a crime scene, so how can there be mass casualties?
  • OK… 20ft from what stage?
  • 550+ people X 5Q of blood per person is 2750 Quarts of blood / 4 = 687.5 Gallons possible
  • Can we at least see a pint?
  • Tons of dead people
  • NO Police, EMTs, or other agency.. just a bunch of teens?
  • ANYONE checking on ‘victims?’
  • So dead people that were shot, will bleed out
  • Fence looking in pretty good shape, no bullet holes or blood
  • My theory is this is a ‘photo op’ where ppl just walked out & dropped for the shot. Girl in lower RIGHT is crouching down, as if trying to get out of the shot.
  • Still see people at the bar; why aren’t they rendering aid?
  • Interestingly, we have ‘victims’, but no crime scene
  • Fence has NO bullet holes or blood
  • The white tent is is perfect shape despite 1000’s of bullets ripping through the area
  • Still no apparent FBI or Police, but we have vendors present & a little meeting up front, stomping all over the ‘crime scene’
  • This is by the stage..
  • Crisis actors ducking down at false fire & ducking , but the staff guy just chilling & standing up
  • 20ft from stage
  • Guy in green shirt “It’s not a gun, it’s not a gun”
  • No blood, no bodies, no damage to infrastructure
  • This was the ‘fence of death’ mind you, were 100’s were shot
  • No blood, No bodies, No damage to infrastructure
  • Notice this man crouching down while others are LEAVING
  • Crisis Actor, sending data in to switchboard for Emergency Services to react on
  • Why is he hanging around the ‘fence of death’ again?
  • And WHY is there no sign of a crime?
  • How would you even prosecute this case with no evidence?
  • Oh look Fraud Bureau of Instigation showed up — we can relax now
  • Criminals usually return to the scene of the crime
  • Think they’re looking for the blood — GOOD LUCK
  • So they sent 4 agents for the LARGEST MASS MURDER? C’mon!
  • They won’t find it in the body wheelbarrow, because NO ONE was shot
  • The green is ‘astro-turf’, not grass, so nothing to soak up body fluids.
  • And what is up with all the yellow wheel barrows? Pre-delivered for FEMA exercise?
  • Find one that has blood on it
  • Two squatting on ground while some guy just chillin’ watching people calmly leave the venue
  • NOTICE this is about 30ft from the stage on the LEFT
  • If there was a hail of gunshots, where are the mass casualties and why is everyone so calm?
  • You still have people AT THE CONCESSION STAND
  • Illuminati Pyramid Framed — perhaps by chance?
  • Cashier standing while ppl run by ( look at LEFT edge )
  • Would you like Fries with those bullet holes?
  • TWO customers still waiting at the counter
  • I presume the cashier is ringing them up
  • ppl standing/talking while ppl squat
  • Guy & Girlfriend just chillin
  • Lower LEFT female smiling away
  • Girl just tucks her head for the photo op
  • PYRAMID in background again
  • Girl in blue daisy dukes just chillin
  • Guy in white looks like he’s bringing food back
  • ppl standing/walking while person down
  • Person is ‘dead’ and guy right behind her just chillin’
  • shirtless guys pass each other not even looking at the body
  • No trace of blood on the shirt covering the body
  • NO CPR or other rendering of aid
  • Strange how everyone is on the phone, yet very little footage of ANY of these scenes.
  • Guy just chillin on a light pole while people are ‘dying’ & ‘active shooter’ still loose
  • People just walking back to cars that aren’t shot up
  • Guy Loitering with folded arms
  • Cross Guard is still on duty despite active shooter on the loose
  • Guy in white shirt just
  • Does ANYONE look scared? in a hurry?
  • Is that a smile?
  • Guy laying on top of girlfriend ( I presume )
  • A man & a woman casually stroll towards the camera
  • People in the back ground LOITERING and standing around
  • People just chillin at the bar in the back ground in the direction the crisis actors were running from
  • No blood
  • This girl is SMILING
  • so these crisis actors are running
  • people are lying down by a bloodless fense
  • People chilling at the bar and standing around in the background


And they had stories posted on Paddock on Sept 29th

  • Illuminati 33 on that there firetruck
  • Not enough stretchers? Or not enough FILLED Stretchers?
  • Staff standing around? Still no victims? Odd since we have 500+ needing medical attention.
  • No blood anywhere on those either
  • Anyone seem in a hurry?

Owner of MGM Sold Most/All Stock on 9/29

  • Owner sold ALL or MOST of their stock on 9/29, resulting in a $909M ( almost a BILLION ) Market Cap Loss
  • Enough to pay many people for their cooperation
  • Jesus Campos, the Mystery Hero, has questionable background & re-used SSN
  • 1000(?) shots fired in hallway, but Jesus GRAZED by only one
  • Shows up on Ellen’s show — ye who has her own Video Poker machines in MGM casinos.

Take it from a Trauma Surgeon

REAL Crime Scenes

REAL Head Wounds

FEMA Excerises & Vegas

List of More Media Traitors

Grant Cardone — Vomiteer & TRAITOR

Joshunda Sanders in Change.org — Vomiteer & TRAITOR

Rolling Stone in RollingStone | Jason Aldean | Chris Young | Jake Owen

ALL — Vomiteers & TRAITORS

Prepared Works | Notice all the .ORG Affiliations


GOP had 8 years to come up with healthcare, so it’s obvious with Gun & rights-robbing legislation was lying in wait for the kill

$100M Secret Towers Installed by MTA last month & they REFUSE to inform public as to what they are

Metal Detectors & Laws were in the waiting before the attack

Gun Rights Legislation








🇺🇸Defending the last remains of our only Christian stronghold in the world from: MSM,DeepState,Satanism/Islam — and everything else that weak minds indulge in