The Fate Of Goerli

4 min readMar 27, 2023


The Evolution of Goerli ETH and the Case for Preserving Its Unique Value

The Ethereum network has experienced exponential growth and development, fostering a dynamic environment that demands continuous innovation. Amidst the various testnets that have emerged, Goerli stands out as a vital platform for developers to test and deploy their projects. However, as 2023 comes to a close, the Ethereum community faces the scheduled deprecation of the Goerli network. In this article, we will explore the unique evolution of Goerli ETH and argue for Goerli’s preservation as an incentivized canary network that fills a crucial need within the Ethereum ecosystem.

What is Goerli?

Goerli is the primary testnet for the Ethereum network, providing developers with a space to test and optimize their protocols before launching on the mainnet. The network’s purpose is to ensure that projects function as intended, minimizing risks when deployed on Ethereum. Despite being a testnet, Goerli has evolved into an indispensable asset for developers and the broader Ethereum community.

What is Goerli ETH?

Goerli ETH serves as the gas token for the Goerli network, historically acquired through faucets, select developers, or OTC trading. LayerZero’s launch of a bridge between Goerli and the mainnet revolutionized access to Goerli ETH, introducing GETH (Goerli ETH) on the mainnet and METH (mainnet ETH) on the Goerli network. LayerZero also created liquidity pools for efficient, secure, and trustless acquisition of Goerli ETH, paving the way for Goerli ETH to hold “real” value for the first time.

No Longer a Testnet

LayerZero launching a liquid market for Goerli ETH on mainnet sparked a debate about the true value of a testnet. With these new developments, the distinction between a testnet and an Alt-L1 became increasingly unclear.

This shift from speculated value to liquid markets raises questions about the justification for deprecating Goerli, considering the amount of resources invested in the network’s infrastructure and support.


The introduction of Holli in September 2023 marks the planned deprecation of Goerli, following the path of earlier testnets like Rinkleby and Ropsten. However, the substantial investment in Goerli’s infrastructure, support, and deployment of protocols challenges the rationale for its deprecation. As a result, the Ethereum community must consider the unique value that Goerli offers and the potential implications of its deprecation.

Deprecating Goerli would force the entire Ethereum community to transition to a new testnet, which has several drawbacks. Importing and exporting smart contracts, dApps, and other tools between networks can be time-consuming, costly, and prone to errors. Furthermore, transitioning to a new testnet would require developers to adapt to a new environment, creating an unnecessary learning curve and potentially slowing down innovation.

Testnet ETH having Value

Blockspace possessing value necessitates that gas tokens also possess value. This fact cannot be avoided. Unlimited minting of gas tokens is not a viable solution, as it leads to spamming and network congestion. Minting gas tokens in limited supply and distributing them to faucets and select developers can result in resource hoarding and promote OTC trading, which can be unsafe and lacks the transparency and security provided by decentralized, trustless marketplaces.

No matter what approach is taken when launching a testnet, due to gas tokens having inherent value, markets will always exist. Making sure these markets are free ensures optimal resource allocation and prevents such inefficiencies from arising. Goerli having a free market gas token adds another layer to the argument against its deprecation.

Canary Chain

Goerli’s historical usage makes it an ideal candidate to be Ethereum’s de facto canary network — a pretesting environment closely resembling the mainnet. An incentivized canary network like Goerli offers unique advantages to builders and users alike and the concept has seen success on many blockchains — most notably with Kusama in relation to Polkadot.

As a canary network, Goerli provides a safe and low-cost testing environment for users to familiarize themselves with DeFi. Additionally, it enables developers to rigorously test their projects and reward early adopters, thereby fostering a more robust and secure ecosystem for Ethereum-based DeFi.

GoerliDAO: A Glimpse into the Future!

GoerliDAO aims to play a crucial role in maintaining and enhancing the Goerli network by incentivizing deep liquidity, building a robust treasury, implementing distributed governance, and launching [REDACTED] to keep the network alive perpetually. By embracing the Goerli network, and promoting initiatives like GoerliDAO, we can create a more resilient and secure Ethereum ecosystem for developers, users, and the broader crypto community.


Goerli’s journey highlights the power of innovation and collaboration within the Ethereum community. With the network’s maturation, its potential as an incentivized canary network has become increasingly evident. By recognizing the unique value of Goerli and supporting initiatives like GoerliDAO, the Ethereum ecosystem can continue to grow and flourish, benefiting developers and users alike. The preservation of Goerli as a canary network will not only fill a crucial need within the Ethereum ecosystem but also pave the way for future innovation and incentivization in the world of decentralized finance.

