The Value of International Students

4 min readJul 19, 2016


A busy street in Hyderabad, India

Last week, the Senior Attorneys of GoffWilson were in Delhi and Hyderabad, India. Over the course of the trip, they had the opportunity to travel with leaders in U.S. higher education and meet many U.S.-bound students. These students possess an incredible amount of enthusiasm and excitement for the chance to study in the United States, and it was easy to understand why after speaking with them about the educational excellence of our institutions, the equipment and resources available to students, as well as the flexibility of our educational system, diverse campuses, and the ability to gain work experience with programs like optional practical training (OPT) that U.S. colleges and universities provide.

The reputation of U.S. universities and colleges has helped make it the global leader in international education, as it attracts far more international students than any other country. While international students reap many benefits by coming to the United States to study, they’re also incredibly beneficial to the U.S. as they help create the diverse campuses of our institutions of higher education by bringing with them their unique cultures, different perspectives, and new ways of thinking. These culturally diverse environments prepare students for working in a shrinking world and global marketplace while allowing them to build a worldwide network of peers. If U.S. colleges and universities are going to remain at the pinnacle of higher education, they must continue to attract the best minds from not only across the U.S., but from around the world.

Presenting to students in Hyderabad, India on how to successfully apply for an F-2 visa

In addition to the impact international students have on institutions of higher education in the U.S., these students also have an enormous economic impact on the country as well. According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, international students contributed more than 30.5 billion dollars to the U.S. economy in 2015. Whether it be tuition, living expenses, or fees, international students have a long list of must-have items when they are in the country, and they have to buy them here. Additionally, most international students pay full tuition, making them valuable to the institution’s financial success. Also, since visas for international students have strict guidelines about not working while in the U.S., most of the money they spend comes from sources outside the U.S. According to Open Doors, 72% of international students in the U.S. receive the majority of their funds from family or their home country governments or universities.

International students are more than just a revenue stream; they also help create jobs. According to NAFSA, there are currently 974,926 international students studying in the U.S. Those 974,926 students support more than 373,000 jobs — in other words, three U.S. jobs are created for every seven international students enrolled! Positions in higher education, as well as accommodation, dining, retail, transportation, telecommunications, and health insurance all benefit from the influx of, and money generated by, international students.

Meeting with U.S.-bound students in Hyderabad, India

The U.S. reaps huge rewards from its international students — they bring diversity to our universities and colleges, they help give us a more global understanding of the world, and they contribute to our economy in a large way. Furthermore, international students help supplement our native-born workforce, and fill crucial positions in technology and healthcare. While the U.S. still hosts more international students than any other country, and remains the leading destination for international higher education, its numbers are in decline. Between 2001 and 2011, the U.S. saw its market share drop from 28% to 19% due to increased competition and immigration barriers.

Meeting with students who will soon be studying in the United States during our recent trip to India was a great reminder of how lucky we are to live in a country with so much opportunity, and how lucky we are that many of the world’s best minds want to come here to study. GoffWilson has been helping international students come to the U.S. to study since 1982, and we have a deep appreciation for the many ways these individuals positively impact our country and our institutions of higher education. Despite the value of international students, the process of legally studying in the U.S. can be difficult and complex. GoffWilson has a long history and excellent reputation for helping international students on their path to higher education with personalized legal service that speaks to their specific situation. Click here to learn more about GoffWilson.




GoffWilson has helped immigrants come to the U.S. for over 30 years. We are devoted to immigration law for corporations as well as individuals.