If I were to write a letter to my “X”

Going Against The Grain
3 min readJan 22, 2020
Photo by Angelina Litvin on Unsplash

Ah yes, that unknown part of the equation I use to fear in algebra. Solve for “X”. In this case, I’m referring to a formerly know value or person, and dis-placing it or them, from a position formerly occupied.

I decided that in this New Year, I would make some much needed changes; separating myself or making my “X-it” from the people who were draining me of my peace and who were more of a distraction. You definitely can not move forward with grace while looking back in doubt.

Some people don’t believe in the “comma”

As those whom I’ve managed to part ways with, get smaller in the rear view mirror of life, I can say that I gave it an honest effort to communicate with them. Unfortunately, they didn't want communication or conversation, that wanted to be right, dominate the conversation and win the debate.

I’ve learned to appreciate the little things in life; most especially that little punctuation mark so often ignored by those with the new title of “X” in my life. The comma, that when properly used, keeps one from running their mouth non-stop with out a pause; especially to pause long enough to realize, I’m NO LONGER LISTENING.

Nothing is more aggravating than a one way conversation from someone who covers three different topics, in fifteen minutes and can’t seem to stop for a…



Going Against The Grain

Nathaniel Lewis Sr. Technology professional by day. A former Marine, former husband, former Clergyman, and proud grandfather who often Goes Against the Grain.