Stop Watering Dead Plants

Going Against The Grain
3 min readJan 13, 2022
Photo by Maria Orlova from Pexels

Some things in life can be re-purposed. Re-purposed is a fancy way of saying re-use. It was good for something once, served its purpose, and can be of better use for something else.

Except for Dead Plants!

I love a good metaphor; you can tell it and not offend the faint and weak at heart. But, unfortunately, for some, no matter how PC (politically correct) you are, no matter how gentle the message, they will get offended, and their feelings hurt beyond function. I love plants, I may not be able to dazzle you with any botany prowess, but you can find me at Lowes, where the vibrant, colorful plants are!

Some plants are dying, and no matter how you try and nurse them back to health, their appearance seems to take away from the décor. There is something sad and depressing about a dying or dead plant, and it is noticeable when it's around others; it doesn't look as healthy and vibrant in the room with the others. I woke up this morning to another leaf having turned yellow. Perhaps too much water or not enough light. It thrived during the spring and summer, and I guess being indoors is a challenge for it.

Snip, snip, another leaf gone. The daisies lasted for some time; I changed the water every five days and added some plant food. Yet, the plant was in the last stage of rigor, and I tossed those today! The final…



Going Against The Grain

Nathaniel Lewis Sr. Technology professional by day. A former Marine, former husband, former Clergyman, and proud grandfather who often Goes Against the Grain.