Mr Ghost Elrond NFT around the Maiar logo

Gokai Labs
3 min readApr 4, 2022


Maiar Ghosts is an 8658 unique Mr Ghost NFT collection on the Elrond blockchain. That collection was born from a wish to create an NFT around the M logo from the Elrond Network ​​digital wallet: Maiar.

Mr Ghost

Maiar Ghosts Attributes:

Maiar Ghosts are made up of 9 types of attributes including 265 expressions, 75 backgrounds, 99 decorations, 8 bodies, 78 tools, 61 hats, 39 clouds, 23 jewels and 18 transports. For a total of 666 character traits.

Some of the layers will be named for popular Elrond Network projects.

Elrond projects layers

Other layers will be dedicated to the Staking providers in the Maiar app.

Elrond Staking providers layers

We didn’t forget all the friendly projects that will be highlighted, the marketplaces, the tools made on Elrond, the characters present in the Maiar app stickers, Loner, Party Starter, Influencer, Celebrity, Rockstar, Shrimp, Crab, Octopus, Dolphin, Whale, Troll, Dwarf, Druid, Gnome and of course Maiar.

Many other surprises are hidden in the collection, as many attributes with different levels of rarity will give particular utilities to some of the specific NFTs of the collection.

What is the utility?

Mr Ghost will be the governance token of the Gokai Labs, it will be used to decentralise the major decisions and directions we will take after achieving our first mission.

With 666 attributes it will be easy to find particular utilities and establish partnerships with many projects.

With the community votes, we will be able to target the frequent priority utilities of NFTs and especially on Elrond. NFT staking, gaming, rewards, giveaways and many other utilities that the community will be able to propose.

In short!

A major effort has been made to create a very graphic collection that truly represents the Elrond ecosystem. Each Mr Ghost will be a true piece of art. An NFT collection is by definition timeless, we need to look back on our NFTs in the years to come with the same pleasure as today, if not more.

Overview of the Maiar Ghosts collection

With artwork such as this, we will never tire of contemplating them and proudly posting them everywhere to haunt our community forever.

By including projects currently existing on the Elrond network, It will be like a snapshot of the birth of NFT projects on Elrond and Maiar wallet.

We are sure that together we can make Mr Ghost a trendy character in the Elrond community culture!

Official links


