Good-Loop’s 2018 contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals

3 min readJan 7, 2019


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In the glowing embers of New Years’ fireworks, as we collectively turn off our out-of-offices and dig out our dusty gym passes, we thought we might take a moment to reflect on this past year. 2018 was a big year for Good-Loop as we worked with some of the worlds biggest brands, converting their ad money into funding for a whole host of amazing causes. As well as all our ad campaigns we also grew the team, were awarded prestigious Scottish Edge funding and launched our brand new Snapchat ‘swipe up to donate’ product, in partnerships with Unilever.

But to turn our attention to the most important element of the Good-Loop business, what real impact did all our 2018 donations have on the world? What good did Good-Loop do last year? Well to help us ascertain this, we turn to the UN, who have crafted their 17 goals for a better world by 2030. These goals give us a structure within which we can think about how charitable donations can build a better future for everyone.


The charity Mind received enough funding to answer 1000 calls to the Mind info line, helping support people with mental health resources when they need it most. And our campaign for eco-friendly ‘method’ gave The Children’s Hospital Charity the funds to help up to 800 kids at the Sheffield Children’s Hospital take part in creative workshops, brightening up their time in hospital. We’ve also supported other amazing mental health causes such as Grief Encounters who support children going through the tragedy of losing a loved one and Ditch The Label, with Lynx, who work with young people to combat the terrible effects of bullying and teen depression.


Our recent KitKat campaign raised funds to support the Nestlé Cocoa Plan Initiative and their Good-Loop adverts paid for 318 school kits, including textbooks, stationery, and uniforms, for the children of local cocoa farmers in Cote D’Ivoire.


Benefit Cosmetics ran a campaign with us which reflected their core brand belief that women should be empowered to feel beautiful and strong. Their Good-Loop adverts raised money for causes that focus on women’s issues such as Refuge who provide specialist support to women and children escaping many different forms of violence and abuse; for example domestic violence, sexual violence, and female genital mutilation.


Through Centrepoint, we’ve given enough to fund up to 888 nights of accommodation to young homeless people in the UK. We’ve also supported a range of other causes who protect and empower the most vulnerable, from Habitat for Humanity to Shelter and many more.


We’ve given Save the Children enough to support up to 80 families in poverty with essential ingredients and food items for a year. The KitKat campaign also paid for 68 vegetable growing kits for women and their families in Cote D’Ivoire.

These examples really just show a snippet of the positive impact that Good-Loop has had this year and importantly, they also highlight the opportunity and potential there is when you covert ad money into funding for charitable causes.

In 2019 we’re aiming to at least double our charitable contribution by working closely with our amazing advertisers and we’d like to address even more of the UN Global Goals — because we truly believe that these goals pave the way to a brighter future.

Want to know more? contact us here, or visit our website to learn more about Good-Loop




Good-Loop is an ethical ad platform that delivers effective and respectful advertising while also generating charitable donations for amazing causes — for free