Gun Violence Is NOT About the Guns, It Is About Our Relationship With Ourselves

What happened to men — to human beings — living rich, fulfilled lives? Why are we all so damned angry?

The Good Men Project


Photo credit: Shutterstock

By Ryan Hall

Do we really need to continue with this “Be a king series?” As far as I’m concerned, we need to continue this series until the world gets it. Until the world gets the point that being Kings is the only way for the world to start working again.

And judging by every time I turn on cable news, the world ain’t getting it.

The slogan for the Good Men Project is “the conversation no one else is having.” Let’s have this conversation.

What happened to men — to human beings — living rich, fulfilled lives? Why are we all so damned angry?

I get it. The world is full of a lot of pain and heartache. We get our hearts broken. People do us dirty. People do us wrong.

But does a King get a gun and shoot up a concert? Does a king shoot up a church? Do Kings shoot up hospitals? Schools?

And before this piece runs, lord only knows what else is going to happen.

I’m only one man. I’m only one guy. I’m only one King living in Westchester County, New…



The Good Men Project

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