How To Become Attracted to People Who Are Good for You

You know who would be good for you. So why aren’t you attracted to them?

The Good Men Project
Hello, Love


Photo Credit: gail/Flickr

By Ken Page

We can’t force our sexual attractions. Most of us learned that the hard way. Yet, as I describe in my book Deeper Dating, there’s something profound that most of us have never been taught: Although our sexual attractions can’t be controlled, they can be educated. This post will share some ways to cultivate sexual and romantic attraction to people who are kind, respectful — and available. Even if you’re relentlessly attracted to bad-boys or bad-girls, or to unavailable people, you can still develop this capacity. And these are not gimmicks; they are the lifelong skills of romance and intimacy — the very same skills you’ll use to keep the passion alive in your next serious relationship.

Every time we enter a room full of people, we make choices based upon our attractions: Whom do we notice? Whom do we pass over? Deb, a young stockbroker from Chicago, once told me:

“You know, it’s almost magical. I can go to a party, and there’s always one person I’m most attracted to. If I date him, within a few weeks or a few months I discover he has the same emotional qualities as my previous partner. But when I first saw him from across the room, I had no idea…



The Good Men Project
Hello, Love

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