Google for Jobs, now in the USA

Google for Jobs, GoPost
3 min readMar 5, 2020


Google for jobs was seen across the globe by many as the difference maker in the job recruitment industry. Google for jobs was expected to be launched in the US a long time ago and finally came to fruition in 2017, when Google not just launched it in the US, after a lot of delays, but also disclosed its path and future plans going forward. Claiming that Google for jobs in the USA was effective would be an understatement and it helped bring the the US in sync with the global job industry. It helped in a multitude of ways, by getting job seekers and organizations and recruiters a lot closer.

A multitude of Jobs:

Google for jobs helped provide a platform for many multi national organizations, by posting their job requirements on the search engine, but what often gets overlooked is the fact that proved to be a massive help to small and medium scale industries, who were on the lookout for an effective platform, not just to give their job posting sufficient exposure, but to help in connecting with many a candidates.

A boost in the job industry:

Google for jobs in the USA helped the nation’s job industry realize it’s true potential, by helping get the recruiters and candidates in touch with one an other in a more convenient and effective manner. It helped bridge the otherwise wide communication gap between candidates, organizations and recruiters, by providing them with an effective platform. This benefited the US job market immensely, as the otherwise lengthy and time consuming process of connecting with candidates was now made extremely easy and it helped cut down the time significantly.

Sped up recruitment:

As mentioned above, when Google for Jobs launched in the USA, it helped candidates get in touch with the relevant people in the most effective possible manner, which cut down the time to hire a candidate by a great margin. Not only did it help candidates get in touch with the relevant recruiter, but communications between the two was made a lot easier, all thanks to direct communications between the two parties, which became possible with the help of Google for jobs

Posting a job requirement made simple:

Google for Jobs launched in the USA launched several features that helped the organization take complete control of the posting. Not only did it help the organizations to Post Job AI, but to also control and tweak every minor detail of the job posting, but it also helped in analyzing what was being spoken about the job posting, whether negative or positive and to make immediate changes to the posting.

With Google having finally entered the US job industry, it has to be seen what sort of an impact it makes to the job market and how much more can it contribute to the country’s job market.

