GOB Roadmap Update: Sept 6, 2021

Goons of Balatroon
3 min readSep 13, 2021


Starting with this post, we will release frequent roadmap updates where we summarize weekly accomplishments for the community. The team will be releasing a Roadmap 2.0 later this month with an actual ETA for each item.


Our current roadmap focus has changed in the following two ways:

  • Game / Tokenomics development is the current #1 focus
  • Branding Deals is a brand new item on the roadmap that wasn’t on the agenda before we launched the project. We identified a huge opportunity in the branding market and are in discussions with several brands regarding mutual benefit promotions that we believe will benefit the value of the Goons collection. The team will be releasing additional info later this week, including some community votes pertaining to the overall community benefits and IP


  • A $25,000 charity donation from the community wallet will be chosen by the community. The process of determining the charity will be announced this coming week.
  • Lava Chad auction donation via Pranksy update will happen this week. Pranksy is on board and has asked us for a bit of time until he takes care of his current donation to a charity.


  • The team will be adding an additional $448,000 USDC to the Development Fund this coming week. Totals and transaction ID will be posted in announcements when complete.


  • As one of the initial items on the roadmap, the team will introduce a process to distribute $25,000 of funding towards community tools and growth-related activities initiated by the community.


  • Goon factory development is well underway. Soon you will be able to construct a full-body goon avatar. We will share some previews for everyone this month.


  • The team has started developing an interim web game that will be hosted on our website. This game has nothing to do with the main game in development but we believe it will bring additional community engagement and exposure in the interim. The game will run once per day for the remainder of the time until the main v1 game release in Q1 of 2022. The community will be able to win prizes by playing the game. Details announced when complete. DO NOT ASK WHAT IS THE GAME ABOUT. WE WILL NOT RESPOND :)


  • The team has been assembled and development is on the way. The current focus is card design. The team will be sharing some preview peaks as we move along the process.


  • The team has been in discussions with several prominent tokenomics consultants and designers for the past week, bringing a vast amount of experience from the DeFi space. There is a lot of complexity, weighting, and balancing as well as potential DeFi functions for $GOB. NO DETAILS will be released on the progress until the entire model is ready and is available to the public. This is due to venture capital.


  • Full story development (continuation of getagoon.com/story) is well on the way. We have hired a professional, award-winning scriptwriter to complete it.
  • Comics are planned for the story, but it is not an immediate item for the roadmap as it’s taking the backseat to more pressing items such as brand growth and game development


  • A brand new series of “short gags” is underway. The episodes will feature “talking avatars” from the collection throwing random hilarious one-liner jokes at each other. The characters featured will be those in the team’s possession, we will also hold community contests where a representative of each faction (Bula vs Bair) will feature in some of the episodes.
  • The team has decided to postpone full story episode development or any animation studio deals until after the game is released and fully in play mode to reduce distractions and focus on our capability to deliver the game.


  • Further marketing campaigns resume this week. We are in discussions with several influencers across youtube, TikTok, Twitter, and Instagram to further promote the brand.
  • The main marketing focus is currently on the larger scale branding deals with product manufacturers to extend GOB and NFT exposure to external markets. Updates on those will follow as we lock in deals.

Follow the GOB project using the following useful links:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/GoonsNft
Discord: http://discord.gg/goonsnft
Website: https://www.getagoon.com/
OpenSea: https://opensea.io/collection/goonsofbalatroon



Goons of Balatroon

Join the wild, meme-filled world of Balatroon! A gaming universe where the greatest rewards await players ready to risk it all!