GOB Token Migration Complete

Goons of Balatroon
2 min readOct 18, 2023


The $GOB token migration has been completed. New $GOB tokens have been airdropped, to holders, based on a snapshot taken October 16, at 12pm EST, on three chains — Ethereum, Arbitrum, and Polygon. The balances were summed across the chains, and the airdrop was allocated as follows on Arbitrum:

  • Tokens held in an EOA (Externally Owned Account) were airdropped 1:1.
  • Tokens held in a smart contract, were withheld to avoid loss of funds.+++
  • Tokens held on Gate.io, the exchange will update your holdings shortly.

+++ To claim any tokens held in a smart contract, please open a ticket to provide on-chain verification of ownership. We will then airdrop the outstanding tokens to a wallet of your choice.

The new $GOB token contract addresses are:

  • Arbitrum: 0xa2F9ECf83a48b86265ff5fD36cDBAAa1F349916C
  • Ethereum: 0x830eb1204380e9c44434db8700257025358707c6

New Liquidity Pool

We will be using Uniswap v3 (Arbitrum) for our new pool. It can be found by following the attached link:


We have allocated 7,500,000 $GOB token rewards as an incentive to contribute liquidity from Oct 16 to Oct 31. Any liquidity providers will be automatically eligible to claim a portion of this reward using the upcoming claim page!

The process to deposit LP is quite simple. Our guides will be modified and shared within a few days, but for now, here are the basic instructions (see attached image for reference):

1) Visit https://app.uniswap.org/pools with the Arbitrum network selected
2) Select “+ New position”
3) Keep ETH selected for the first token
4) Click “Select a token” and input address 0xa2F9ECf83a48b86265ff5fD36cDBAAa1F349916C, then select GOB, shown in the search results
5) Select 1% for the Fee tier
6) Select “Full range” for the price range
7) Input your desired ETH amount to deposit and click “Preview”
8) Click “Add”

You will now see a screen showing a graphic with “GOB/WETH 1%”. This is your new NFT representing the position. Yes, NFT! We’ll share what this means in the upcoming guide revisions.

Next Steps
In the next few days, you can expect the following done to complete the migration:

  • Website community claim functionality enabled again. It will allow the community to claim their NFT holding rewards, staking rewards, and liquidity rewards.
  • 171,470,931 $GOB token burn on Ethereum.
  • Etherscan, Arbiscan, Coingecko, and CoinMarketCap token updates.
  • Website updates to support the new token.

Thanks to everyone for the patience and help during this transition!



Goons of Balatroon

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