Gopu Parameswaran Nair
1 min readOct 3, 2016

How do we prevent atrocities against women?

I have this question to all.

The other day marika bianca shared the kind of problems she face as a woman. So many others also share their experiences. Always those, when I go through, make me feel ashamed and also wonder how we could help to lessen such burden on women.

We had a LUMLUTW campaign recently when we held vigil all across the world to eradicate darkness from everywhere, to fight for the rights of all human beings to safely and peacefully live. The campaign Tremaine L. Loadholt and Ayesha Talib Wissanji initiated and most of all here participated was a huge success.

Atrocities happen to women all the time. Women of all ages, all races, all backgrounds, all status, all places from all kinds of men. Even across sacred relations. Verbal, gesture prominent, physical — all kinds of abuses that further mentally torment the women getting targetted. Even years and months after the incidents, they remain traumatised. Women of great success in other walks of life, thus getting reduced to such low levels of self esteem that they worry about the sad incidents all the time.

Why? Why them always? Why in all kinds of places? Why from most men?

Can we think about how women can remain safe and not violated in any way when they go about their daily chores and walks of life? What can help them?

What can make this world a safer place for women?

What can we do?