The Essentials of Forming a Strategic Plan

Gorman Houston
3 min readAug 21, 2019


Strategic planning is how a business transforms from a struggling startup to a thriving organization and it involves adaptability and innovation. Successful organizations that have developed strategic plans have fulfilled their long term visions by adequately planning their priorities and making decisions that fit into the best interests of their company.

When everything comes together at a business it’s not without having properly aligned priorities. It’s important that any plan that’s made is including the correct use of resources and monitoring its impact throughout the process to ensure things are moving in the right direction.

There are a few essential points of strategic planning to transform a company.

Begin with Leadership
There are certain things that leaders must delegate, however strategic planning is not one of them. The leadership of the organization must be committed to the planning process. To move forward with success those in charge must demonstrate their faith in the plan and explain to their team the why behind each step. With a strategic plan in place goals can be set and accomplished, only when everyone is on the same page.

This goes hand in hand with the first essential factor of strategic planning. Beginning at the top, leaders need to have a clear vision of what the plan will accomplish. After that is established it is vital that everyone across the board is included and has a fundamental understanding.

Employees should feel that their voices matter and are heard so that everyone can put ideas together and gather insight. This is important so that the entire company has a passion for the work and cares about the future of the business. Brainstorming sessions are a great tool to help gain the feeling of inclusivity and develop a plan that will be successful. Collaboration between every branch will boost momentum.

Refer to Plan When Making Decisions
Any decision an organization reaches should be made only after referring to the strategic plan. Use the plan as a guide to base everything else off of. Refer to the plan often when making choices that can directly affect the company’s mission. Is everything aligning with the core values? One decision could affect the focus of the mission. As time passes, strategic planning is important to review to clarify that budgets and timelines are in order.

Involve Different Skill Sets
Any successful leader will tell you to surround yourself with people that can do things that you, yourself cannot. When making a strategic plan involve all types of skill sets. You need strategists and planners, but you also need craftsmen and designers. For the goals of a company to be reached there will need to be answers to all sorts of questions and to get the correct ones you’ll want a team that has knowledge in every aspect of the business. When everyone comes together there will be enough passion, skill, and understanding of the plan to have a significant impact.



Gorman Houston

Gorman Houston is a businessman living and working in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Visit his site for more!