2 min readAug 20, 2020

Crowdsourcing Global Investigations Will Disrupt Private Investigations Industry

Smart-Contracts Between Detectives/Clients

Private investigations, cybersecurity, and security solutions are often needed urgently, but who to turn to? A Google search or getting help through a contact might be the obvious answer, yet you never know who you are getting, especially if big agencies or people in the middle are involved. It is unclear too if the “professional” you get is accurately billing for their time and service and if the needed results for your money will ever arrive. What if there is very little money to begin with? What to do?

Enter Gotem.

Gotem is a decentralized blockchain platform to search, source, and fund specific missions primarily related to private investigations, cybersecurity, and security. It connects those in need with a network of private investigators, cyber detectives, and private security professionals and contains the ability to crowdfund for missions directly. A user-based review and rating system also ensures an environment of trust and provides built-in incentives towards the clients’ best interests.

Gotem utilizes smart contracts. Funds are held in escrow with a nominated third-party mediator acting with the client and professional in a voting system that ensures the fair release of funds when evidence of progress has been submitted to all parties. The Ethereum open software platform is used to conduct transactions through its native GTX token and a permanent and public ledger contained in the Blockchain is always available. Case management, communication, payment, escrow, smart contracts, and the reputation system are all contained within the platform. Legitimacy and transparency all built-in.

The platform requires all users detectives to adhere to local licensing requirements in their screening process. Where licensing regulations are absent within countries or corruption exists, Gotem provides an online space to build a community of legitimate professionals to serve those in need. Aside from investigations and security, Gotem is also available as a platform to source and fund humanitarian causes and has the ability for associated agencies and individuals to engage together to enact change processes within local communities.

Gotem is in its start-up stages and has recently launched a beta version allowing users and detectives to sign up and even post missions live to the platform.

For more information regarding the platform can be found at

Authored by: Justin Bagan


Decentralized Platform to Crowdsource Private Investigations