2 min readAug 18, 2020

Crowdsourcing Investigations as a Hedge Against the Growing Pandemic

Gotem enables humanitarian crowdfunding solutions. And with around 21.8M confirmed cases worldwide, countries are taking measures to contain it by limiting flights, locking down cities, and prompting people to self-isolate. Italy has been hit the hardest with more than 40,000 confirmed cases with the death toll exceeding that of China’s. The governor of California also recently ordered residents to stay at home except for essential outings and ordered businesses such as bars, theaters, and gyms to close.

With the larger outlook of the virus often being the focus, the most vulnerable are often forgotten. The homeless, unable to self-isolate, and elderly people over the age of 60 and with pre-existing health conditions are particularly vulnerable. In the UK, food banks, serving an estimated 14 million people, are currently running low on food and volunteers and are unable to serve people with mental health issues, single mothers, and persons with disabilities. Lost wages too by those already in poverty mean that fixed costs like rent may not be able to be met and shortages also exist globally in terms of medical equipment and supplies. In these trying times, many are willing to embark on campaigns to help those in need, yet where are they to turn to raise and coordinate funds?

The Gotem platform coincidently launches this year as the pandemic ravages the world through a global lockdown. Just when crowdfunding and social distancin become a necessity. Gotem is also an all-in-one stop for communication among various parties and includes built-in decentralized smart contracts, payment management, and escrow systems that may not only benefit individual causes, but more complex and coordinated efforts where agreements need to be set and payments released at certain milestones. Gotem arrives as a resource for fundraising and campaign coordination during the global crisis.

Gotem also leverages technology in the campaign process. Smart contracts over the blockchain ensure security and transparency and funds are coordinated to be released via a voting system that may include pre-agreed multiple third-party mediators. Gotem also operates via cryptocurrency in its native GTX token allowing causes to extend both locally and internationally and it accepts debit and credit card pledges and payments.

Even though the crisis is hitting those most vulnerable, Gotem may provide local and international solutions to individuals or it may be a means for agencies to fundraise and to manage various stakeholders. Everyone deserves a chance during the global outbreak and a chance to make a difference.

Gotem is in its start-up stages and has just recently launched its beta platform to allow to users to sign-up so to begin growing its ecosystem.

To visit the beta platform, visit:

Authored by: Justin Bagan


Decentralized Platform to Crowdsource Private Investigations