Best Practices for Using Recoil in Your Reactjs Projects

Goutam Singha
2 min readMar 11, 2024


Best Practices for using recoil in react application

In the previous post, I have demonstrate how to get started with React Recoil and can be utilized for effective state management in React applications. Recoil in React Application simplifies the process of updating and synchronizing state, handles complex authentication workflows, and enables seamless UI changes.

Now, let’s delve into some best practices for using Recoil in your projects. These practices will help you maximize the benefits of Recoil and ensure a smooth development experience.

1. Keep Your Atoms and Selectors Focused: It’s essential to keep your atoms and selectors focused on a single responsibility. This ensures that your state remains organized and maintainable. Avoid creating bulky atoms or selectors that handle multiple concerns.

2. Utilize Selectors for Derived State: Recoil’s selectors are ideal for handling derived state. Instead of duplicating or calculating state values across components, use selectors to derive and cache derived state. This improves performance and minimizes unnecessary re computation.

3. Group Related Atoms and Selectors: Grouping related atoms and selectors in separate modules or files improves code organization. Consider creating a separate file for each domain or feature, making it easier to understand and maintain your Recoil state.

4. Use Recoil Dev tools: Recoil Dev tools is an essential tool for debugging and inspecting your Recoil state. It provides insights into atom values, subscriptions, and dependencies, helping you identify and resolve any issues in your state management.

5. Optimize Atom Dependencies: Analyze the dependencies of your atoms and selectors regularly. Minimize unnecessary dependencies to prevent unnecessary re-rendering and improve performance. Consider using Recoil’s `useRecoilCallback` hook for more fine-grained control over atom dependencies.

By following these best practices, you can enhance your experience with Recoil and ensure a robust and efficient state management solution in your React projects. In the next section, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of implementing the real examples. So, stay tuned and let’s make the most out of Recoil!

