Meal Sharing on Blockchain

3 min readApr 25, 2018


The sharing economy is driving disruption across social industry. Sharing economy already disrupted transport hiring and room rental business. Recently, the sharing economy has reached the food industry as well. One of latest to emerge in this new economy is meal sharing .

Online platforms are emerging to connect business and leisure travelers with local hosts who are willing to prepare and serve meals in their homes or at some convenient places. Most of the meal sharing internet based platforms are focusing on individual travelers, but now some are creating options to serve large groups of conference and corporate programs to meet a desire for unusual and local culinary tastes.

One of the trending concepts is called ‘social dining’, where you can book a home-cooked meal and have it at homes of local hosts. ‘Social Dining ‘has established a concept of platform to provide an alternative way for travelers to discover the culinary world. Their business models in general rely on a service fee, which is a percentage of the meal fee the guests pay to the host.

The meal-sharing platforms resemble the ‘peer-to-peer’ concept and layout of Airbnb. Consumers can search for a particular city and date, and the platform will subsequently show the different hosts (and their locations on a map). Succeeding the meal, guests are asked to indicate their level of satisfaction, and they are able to post a review.

Meal sharing business module doesn’t solely work on the concept of providing lunch or dinner on table, it also caters to overall experience of local taste and food culture of a place. At a single place food enthusiasts can get to know details of local recipes which are long lost or confined to a particular geography to food tours in a city of a distant land.

On its face value the idea of GrabaMeal is simple: This is a community of home cooks and chefs offering culinary experiences for a fee outside of the traditional dining experience, often inside their homes or elsewhere. Users can browse upcoming meals scheduled in their city, or request a dinner from one of the thousands of registered cooks on the site.

GrabaMeal tries to turn dining room table as a vibrating social network courtyard. It’s a part of the sharing economy that is tailored to not only travelers but also single persons living without family in a city and in that it offers an opportunity to learn more about the flavour of a given location through a conversation over dinner.

This platform thus provides food not only for stomach but also for soul.

GrabaMeal blockchain platform is a ledger that contains data, which cannot be changed once it is entered here. Once a review of seller by a guest enters into blockchain it will be stored there in immutable way. The guests or hosts with the leverage of access to GrabaMeal ecosystem will get to see these details to validate the originality and quality of the service and stakeholders.

GrabaMeal is empowered by GAM token. Value created by this ecosystem will be redistributed in a fair manner through appreciation of GAM token.

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