About Strong WomenOn my first birthday without her, I feel compelled to honor my momMar 24, 20231Mar 24, 20231
The benefits of working like an amateurI recently heard an interview with Jim Jarmusch in which he talked about how he considers himself an amateur filmmaker, even though he’s…Mar 31, 20171Mar 31, 20171
Why (and How) I Used Slack as a Feedback Channel for User Experience ResearchI love NPR. On Morning Edition, every Friday, they air StoryCorps which are person-to-person interviews designed to make your heart fall…Jun 14, 20162Jun 14, 20162
Published inAWeber Email MarketingWebsite Metadata Explained for Marketers: How to Make Your Content ShareableAWeber just launched our new mobile app, Curate. Why do I mention this in an article about metadata? Because Curate relies entirely on…May 17, 2016May 17, 2016
Published inAWeber Email MarketingThe user research behind AWeber’s new mobile app: How we all became product ownersIn the fall of 2015, AWeber’s mobile team faced a huge challenge: building an entirely new app from the ground up that our 100,000+…May 5, 2016May 5, 2016
Published inAWeber Email MarketingHow our customers inspired and shaped AWeber’s new mobile appCurate is a time-saving tool for digital marketersApr 26, 2016Apr 26, 2016