[TGE] week 19: GraphGrail Ai Success during Arab Roadshow

GraphGrailAi LLC.
5 min readMay 21, 2018


07.04- 13.04

GraphGrail Ai came back from the 10-days’ Roadshow across the Arab countries (Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, UAE).

It was very interesting business travel experience for the team, including face-to-face negotiations with investors that generally did not have any expertise about tokens and their value. Describing GraphGrail Ai operations was the even more complicated task. And still, the team has managed to deliver use and demand of the project.


Currently, GraphGrail Ai is at the final stage of signing the agreement with UAE private investors that includes such options as SAFT (Simple Agreement for Future Tokens) and determining company shares to be transferred to the investor: these are BVI company share, a share of a new business in Dubai (a local customer relations office), and possible shares in partner projects.

The investment amount under this agreement exceeds USD 1 million.

Another outcome of negotiations with representatives from the Saudi Arabia is preliminary arrangements that are currently at the stage of negotiating the details and conditions.

The investment amount under this agreement is about USD 500 thousand.

So the team is really close to raising Softcap. As a matter of fact, legal formalities are being finalized and Softcap will be raised!

Due to the trip to Arab countries, the team has managed to comprehend specific features of investors from these countries. First of all, investors are interested in getting a company share, rather than investing in tokens. Besides, investors prefer owning the company themselves, so the idea of joint business ownership is quite alien to them. These cultural and national peculiarities additionally adjusted the detailed proposal for investors that was supposed to be quite attractive for them while taking into account interest of the current presale and ICO investors.

GraphGrail Ai team held meetings both with investors in traditional Arab clothing, with kaffiyehs on their heads, and with investors in classical business suites, with company owners.

At first, GraphGrail Ai held 5 meetings in Dubai. The initial thoroughly developed presentation was corrected, since it turned out difficult for investors to perceive brand new information across 50 slides. Therefore, the project presentation began with the story of GraphGrail Ai team, its operations and competences, to be followed by information of the platform itself, its designation and what can be done with this platform, detailed description of the platform — chat bot, brand monitoring, medical assistant etc.

The report for investors was completed with block chain description, market conditions, AI, and ICO advantages for the classical venture investment. Certain platform case studies made it easy for businessmen to understand platform principles of operation and use opportunities. One of investors — the owner of health clinic network — became interested in the slide showing disease analysis and correct diagnosing based on tests of patients’ complaints.

Another investor immediately comprehended the project purpose in the context of his business — car parts sales outlet network. People are asking about available spare parts, car parts, repair and maintenance — and all these questions can be automated with MySmartSchat based on GraphGrailAi platform.

Negotiations were held either in the apartments rented by the team, or in Dubai restaurants. Treating business partners is the business custom that distinguishes Arab investors, who are traditionally very hospitable. Warm welcome of GraphGrail Ai team continued with visit to Ztar club, whose walls were decorated with portraits of Nikolay II (the team visited the club with a large oil facilities construction contractor).

Then, GraphGrail Ai went to Bahrain, where they met owners of a large IT company. The top managers found the project very interesting but noted that promoting such project in Bahrain would be very difficult due to lack of understanding of blockchain, AI, tokens and ICO. The investors were also rather interested in the final product, with decision about its purchase made after testing.

This was followed by the face-to-face meeting and video conference with representatives from Saudi Arabia that showed great interest in the project and their willingness to cooperate. One of investors owning three companies, who promoted the idea of deploying the Internet in Saudi Arabia and stood at the origins of the first local mobile carrier some time ago, considers investing in AI and machine learning really seriously.

It’s worth noting that at present investment in AI companies is a trend in Saudi Arabia, since they face lack of intelligence with oil money at hand. For this investor, the team has developed the dedicated video presentation of the project, submitted case study details, practical examples, future applications, including that for healthcare and for online PR management in different areas.

Establishing a local office is an important prerequisite of getting investments in the Arab countries. This gives rise to special form of trust in the company. The agreement with Dubai investor includes this clause that is now being considered. Future GraphGrail Ai office in Dubai will work with companies in the local market and render services to them.

In spite of the busy agenda of negotiations, GraphGrail Ai team also found time to have a little rest. In Dubai they were swimming in the Persian Gulf, and visited historical Dubai Museum, while their visit to Bahrain included such points of interest as the Bahrain National Museum and the Tree of Life in the desert.

Now, revitalized, GraphGrail Ai team is to successfully complete ICO! In the nearest future, details of signing agreements with investors and new case studies will be announced!

The team has also started negotiations about listing GAI tokens in two stock exchanges, and in the nearest time it is planned to list the tokens at small stock exchanges.

GraphGrail Ai, breaking news every time! One week left before the end of Tokensale!



GraphGrailAi LLC.

http://t.co/EOzkcrk1cu - Artificial Intelligence platform for Blockchain built on top of Natural Language Understanding technology with the DApps marketplace