EM18 RFID Reader


EM18 RFID reader module is an easy to use RFID Reader with on board antenna. It is used to read RFID cards which work at 125 kHz. When a RFID card comes in the range of the reader, the unique data in the card is received by the reader in the form of RF signal

EM18 RFID Reader

What is RFID?

Radio-frequency identification (RFID) uses electromagnetic fields to automatically identify and track tags attached to objects. The tags contain electronically-stored information. Passive tags collect energy from a nearby RFID reader’s interrogating radio waves. Active tags have a local power source (such as a battery) and may operate hundreds of meters from the RFID reader. Unlike a bar-code, the tag need not be within the line of sight of the reader, so it may be embedded in the tracked object. RFID is one method of automatic identification and data capture (AIDC)

What is RFID Reader?

It is a device which is used to read unique ID from RFID tags. Whenever RFID tags comes in range, RFID reader reads its unique ID and transmits it serially to the micro controller or PC. RFID reader has transceiver and an antenna mounted on it. It is mostly fixed in stationary position. The RFID system is classified into two types, Active RFID system and Passive RFID system.

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Active RFID system:

Active RFID tags have their own transmitter and power source (Mostly battery operated). They operate at 455 MHz, 2.45 GHz, or 5.8 GHz, and they typically have a read range of 60 feet to 300 feet (20 meters to 100 meters).

Passive RFID system:

Passive RFID tags do not have a transmitter, they simply reflect energy (radio waves) back coming from the RFID reader antenna. They operate in Low frequency (~125 KHz) as well as High frequency (~13 MHz) band and have limited read range of up to ~1m. There are two modes of coupling for communication used in RFID as, Inductive coupling, in which RFID reader emits magnetic field and whenever RFID tags enters the magnetic field which creates energy response from RFID tags and is detected by RFID reader. As the magnetic field drops sharply with distance, it is used for short distance applications.

Capacitive coupling:

Where reader emits electromagnetic waves and whenever that waves encounters RFID tags, RFID tag reflects signal containing information of ID.

How RFID system works?

RFID Reader has transceiver which generates a radio signal and transmits it through antenna. This signal itself is in the form of energy which is used to activate and power the tag. When RFID tag comes in range of signal transmitted by the reader, transponder in the tag is hit by this signal. A tag draws power from the electromagnetic field created by reader. Then, the transponder converts that radio signal into the usable power. After getting power, transponder sends all the information it has stored in it, such as unique ID to the RFID reader in the form of RF signal. Then, RFID reader puts this unique ID data in the form of byte on serial Tx (transmit) pin. This data can be used or accessed by PC or micro-controller serially using UART communication.

EM-18 RFID Reader Module From Graylogix

The EM-18 RFID Reader module operating at 125 kHz is an inexpensive solution for your RFID based application. The Reader module comes with an on-chip antenna and can be powered up with a 5V power supply. Power-up the module and connect the Transmit pin of the module to receive pin of your micro-controller. EM18 RFID reader reads the data from RFID tags which contains stored ID which is of 12 bytes. EM18 RFID reader doesn’t require line-of-sight. Also, it has identification range which is short i.e. in few centimeters.

Graylogix Bangalore offers EM18 RFID Reader module which provides both UART and Wiegand 26 output formats. It is a ow cost, low power consumption, small form factor and easy to use module.

Features of EM-18 RFID Reader

Operating Frequency is 125 KHz.
Range is 5–8 cm.
5V supply
125 kHz read frequency
EM4001 64-bit RFID tag compatible
9600 bps TTL and RS232 output
Magnetic stripe emulation output

Fore more information about EM18 RFID Reader from Graylogix please visit our page

Applications of EM-18 RFID Reader

This RFID reader has many applications. Since it is compact in size it can be embedded in any user applications

The following are few of the list of few applications

Time and attendance management
Access control
Inventory tracking
Car immobilization

