Love Is All You Need: Finding Meaning Beyond Material Success

Grayson Winters ☦️
5 min readMar 22, 2023


I have a story to share that has stayed with me for a while. It’s an experience that has shaped the way I approach life and the decisions I make. I want to share it with you because it could be the most important thing you’ll ever read. It’s a reminder of the power of our choices and how they can impact our lives and those around us.

Photo by Element5 Digital

I want to start this article with a disclaimer. It’s not going to be easy to read, and it might bring up some heavy emotions. So, if you’re looking for something light and easy for the evening, then this might not be the right article for you. But if you’re ready to be challenged and moved, then I invite you to keep reading. I believe that this is an important topic that needs to be discussed, and it’s my hope that it might help someone who is struggling. So, if you’re ready for an emotional shake-up, then welcome.

I’d like to tell you about David. The first time I saw him, he was standing near the grill at one of our neighborhood BBQs. He was a handsome man with piercing eyes that seemed to look through me. I later found out that he was a childhood friend of one of our neighbors. David was intelligent, but there was something about him that made him seem sad and distant. He was quite silent and often seemed to disappear into himself, lost in his own thoughts as he gazed off into the distance. It was as if he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders, and I couldn’t help but wonder what he was thinking about.

At that point in my life, I felt like I was standing at a crossroads, unsure of which direction to take. Leaving Amazon after seven years was a big decision, and it left me with a sense of uncertainty about my future. I spent a lot of time reflecting on my interests and passions, trying to figure out what I wanted to do next. I read countless books and explored different areas, hoping to find my calling. It was a challenging time, but I knew that it was also an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.

I remember the moment I asked Dave that question, “What would you like to do every day if you never had to earn money?” It was such a simple question, yet his answer shocked me. “I never thought about it,” he said.

At the time, I didn’t give it much thought, but looking back now, I realize how significant that moment was. It was as if he had never allowed himself to dream or consider the possibility of doing something purely for the love of it, without any financial gain.

As time went by, I met David a few more times at local events or at volleyball games. He was a great player, and I enjoyed watching him play. We talked a few more times, and I found out that he wanted to become a JavaScript front-end developer because they get paid well. However, when he spoke about it, I didn’t feel any real enthusiasm on his part. Although I was always eager to discuss topics like Rustlang and Web3 for hours, I didn’t feel the same spark in him.

Over time, my interactions with David became fewer and farther between. Then, I received the devastating news that he had passed away in 2021, taking his own life. It was a painful shock to hear and left me questioning if there was anything I could have done differently to help him.

The weight of guilt and sorrow consumed me. I couldn’t shake off the feeling that I could have done more for David. Maybe if I had reached out more or paid closer attention, I could have made a difference. Although we weren’t close friends, I still feel responsible for not knowing more about his life and struggles. I can only imagine what he might have been going through, but it feels like a missed opportunity to have helped someone in need.

It seems to me that David’s tragic end may have been a result of not having anyone to guide him towards the right path. This is a common problem in our society where people are bombarded with the idea of “get rich or die trying” and believe that financial success is the ultimate goal in life. Such a mindset often leads to confusion and a feeling of being unheard, which can result in neuroses and depression.

In reality, the endless, senseless struggle for numbers in a computer is like squirrels in a wheel, leading to a meaningless existence that can leave one feeling lost and unfulfilled. Therefore, it’s crucial to have someone to turn to for guidance and support, and it’s essential to prioritize mental and emotional wellbeing over material success.

In Mark Manson’s book, there’s a story about Buddha. Before he became enlightened, Buddha was a wealthy prince who had everything he could ever want materially. However, he still felt a deep sense of emptiness and a lack of purpose. It wasn’t until he renounced his wealth and lived as a monk that he found true happiness and fulfillment. This story illustrates that wealth doesn’t necessarily equate to happiness, and it’s essential to find meaning in life beyond material possessions.

Photo by Bonnie Moreland

As human beings, we often fall into the trap of thinking that what we have is not enough, and we strive for more, leading to a never-ending cycle of dissatisfaction. For me, happiness comes from the simple things in life. It’s about cherishing moments with loved ones, pursuing my interests and passions, and making a positive impact on others without expecting anything in return.

We need to focus on love, not money. It’s disheartening to see how the “money-first” mindset has taken over, with people only caring about personal gain and their own benefit. This way of thinking is contagious and leads to a world where success is measured by wealth rather than happiness and fulfillment. We must strive to be better and prioritize love, compassion, and empathy over financial gain.

Dave’s journey was filled with obstacles, but he never had someone who could instill confidence and reinforce his worth with simple yet powerful words.

“You are amazing simply by existing. Your unique qualities, skills, and life experiences make you extraordinary. With only one life to live, follow your heart’s desires and let go of those who do not hear you. Persevere, never give up, and everything else will fall into place. Keep shining brightly!”

I wish for every individual, regardless of age, to have someone in their life who will express these meaningful words of encouragement to them.

Let us remember that every person deserves to be heard, seen, and loved. Let us be the ones who guide and support each other, reminding ourselves and others of our worth and the importance of prioritizing our mental and emotional well-being. Rest in peace, Dave, and may we learn from your story to be better, kinder, and more compassionate towards those around us.

Forever in our hearts.

