3 min readJun 26, 2019



ATHEIOS UPDATE for 6/25/19

Greetings fellow Atheios enthusiasts and supporters. With the sad news of Berran leaving the project for personal reasons, the community members were thrust into a difficult position. The actions taken by the community in the first 24 hours of Berrans departure shows that we will NOT let this project fall to the wayside. We joined Atheios because we believed in the potential. That potential has not changed.

Several members of the community stepped up immediately to mitigate the damage done from Berrans abrupt departure. Atheios has always had a strong community. That community, including you, is what will secure the future for the Atheios project


Currently the Atheios network, blockchain, and contract deployment are functional and healthy. The team has been working diligently on the backend to secure the chain and prepare for additional safe guards and security. Upcoming changes to the current outdated code include implementing PIRL Guard, a new developer fund address, and an adjustment to the monetary policy to increase the developer fund.

RPC Server Port: 8696

Websocket RPC Server Port: 8697

Network Listening Port: 30696

Network Discovery Port: 30697

Network ID: 11235813

Chain ID: 1620

Forked from Gubiq v2.3.0

Ubiq Flux Difficulty Algo


All Mining pools, exchanges and node hosts are required to upgrade their nodes before BLOCK 1,655,555. IF you do not upgrade before block 1,655,555 you will be forked onto an alternative chain. At Block 1,655,555 Pirl Guard will be activated for additional chain security and the developer fund address will be changed to one controlled by the current team. Please make sure your node is running V2.0.0 — Goodbye Dad before block 1,655,555. The update will be released asap. Please watch the discord for announcements.


Network hash rate is down but stable. Several community members have dedicated their mining power to the network to keep the chain secure. If you believe in ATH long-term and you are a miner, now is a great time to mine! The network upgrade will affect the monetary policy for the dev funds ONLY. Mining rewards will not deviate from the current policy and will remain unchanged.


Currently MEW, Metamask and Web wallets are being worked on and functionality should be restored shortly. We thank you for your patience as we deal with this.


Unfortunately Berran held access to and we have been unable to reach him. Because of this a new website must be created. Our new address (currently undecided) will be hosted on Ether-1’s ethoFS Platform. The new website design is underway and will host all the features you appreciated on the old website. We recognize that a functional website is critical for newcomers and veterans alike. Getting it up and running remains a priority.


Our current exchange listings have not been affected and remain live. Where possible, the team has been in communication with exchanges to solidify our relationship and preserve our valuable listings. Exchanges have been notified of the upcoming network upgrade and should transition smoothly.

On a longer timeline, code security and functionality remain a top focus. Atheios as a blockchain product cannot be successful unless tested, battle-hardened, and constantly improved. Updating the code to a more current, friendlier version will serve not only security but ease of interaction of developers and enthusiasts alike.

Additionally, a more formal structure of team members, contributing members, and governance are in discussion and will be brought to the community for input. Solid leadership is critical for our future.

This has been a difficult time for anyone who is an Atheios fan, holder, investor, or supporter. More difficulties lie ahead. If this project was easy we suspect Berran would not have left us. However, difficult tasks can yield satisfying rewards. The current Atheios team of community members has been working tirelessly to insure a healthy future for the Atheios project. If you are reading this, then YOU are part of this team. Join us in discord and share your thoughts. Working together we can all have a part in getting Atheios to where it deserves to be, at the forefront of blockchain integration in video games.

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