1 min readJul 6, 2019

Atheios update 7/6/19


The Atheios planned hard fork is less than 24 hours away. Are you ready?

This is the final reminder that the planned hard fork at BLOCK 1,655,555 will initiate within the next 24 hours. All desktop wallets and nodes must be upgraded prior to BLOCK 1,655,555. Web and Ledger wallets do not require any user input.

The newest desktop wallet can be found here:

For node operators, the newest version of gath can be found here:

This planned fork will activate PirlGuard and redirect an increased Dev fund to a new address controlled by the Atheios team.

Further information on PirlGuard can be found here:


STEX and Safetrade exchanges have upgraded and are ready for the fork. However, GRAVIX exchange HAS NOT UPGRADED and is not ready. The Atheios team highly recommends you withdraw your coins from Gravix immediately. The Atheios team has contacted Gravix and it is unlikely they will upgrade in time or at all.


All mining pools are ready for the pending fork EXCEPT MINERPOOL. If you are mining on Minerpool, the Atheios team suggests contacting them directly about the upgrade or switching to another pool. Should you continue to mine on Minerpool after the fork, you will be on an alternate (dead) chain.

Stay tuned for another update next week for more exciting news!