In pictures: Protecting the Antarctic Ocean

Greenpeace UK
3 min readMar 29, 2018


The Greenpeace ship, the Arctic Sunrise, has been in the Antarctic for the past three months as a part of the campaign to create an Antarctic Ocean Sanctuary. In that time, photographers have captured breathtaking images of wildlife, landscapes and oceans.

Here are some of the most stunning images captured over the last few weeks…

Gentoo penguins on Greenwich Island
An aerial view taken off James Ross Island in the Weddell Sea
Left: Chinstrap penguins on Penguin Island Right: Gentoo penguins on Greenwich Island
Gentoo penguins diving into the water off Greenwich Island
Left: Gentoo penguins swimming at Hannah Point Right: Gentoo penguin at Brown’s Station, Paradise Bay
Yankee Harbour
Chinstrap penguins on Half Moon Island
Left: A chinstrap penguin waddles on Half Moon Island Right: A southern giant petrel on Half Moon Island
A weddell seal sleeps as a gentoo penguin passes by on Greenwich Island
Humpback whale feeds in the nutrient rich waters, Trinity Island
Left: Chinstrap penguins on Half Moon Island Right: Gentoo penguins on Greenwich Island
A snowy sheathbill on Half Moon Island
Left: A fur seal, on Half Moon Island Right: Orcas seen from the Greenpeace ship en route to Paradise Bay
A wandering albatross passes by the Greenpeace ship en route to the Antarctic
Chinstrap penguin on Half Moon Island
Gentoo penguins at Brown’s Station, Paradise Bay

Angela Glienicke Picture Editor at Greenpeace UK



Greenpeace UK

We are a movement of people campaigning and taking direct action to protect the environment and promote peace.