Green Urban Farming
2 min readFeb 1, 2016

Bonsai Tree Care for Newbies

Properly taking care of your Indoor Bonsai Tree is vital, but by simply following a few growing rules, you can grow really beautiful Bonsai Trees. If you simply keep these few basic tips in mind you should have no problem growing an indoor Bonsai Tree.

The First thing you should think about when growing an indoor Bonsai Tree is choosing the right growing environment. Your Bonsai Tree should be kept in a room that is the right temperature, not too hot and not too cold. Additionally, the room should have a source of natural light. You should keep your indoor Bonsai Tree in a room with plenty of large windows to allow your tree to receive as much indirect sunlight as possible.

Another important factor in growing the indoor Bonsai Tree is using correct soil. Not only do you need the highest quality of soil available, but also you may need to use different types of soil for diverse Bonsai Trees. The best way to decide which soil is right for the type of indoor Bonsai Tree you intend on growing is to visit a gardening store and ask them. Make sure you let them know exactly which type of Bonsai Tree you need the soil for.

Applying fertilizer incorrectly can be disastrous to your indoor Bonsai Tree. This is a common mistake for beginners. The indoor Bonsai Tree needs to be given a water-soluble fertilizer at various times. It is also important that the fertilizer is only applied when the soil is wet. Also, it is recommended that you use the highest quality fertilizer available.

Watering your indoor Bonsai Tree correctly is one of the most important elements of growing the tree successfully. If you don’t water the tree enough, it can become dehydrated and soon die; watering too much can drown the tree, and will have a similar result. A good rule to follow when watering your indoor Bonsai Tree is to wait until the soil begins to dry but is not completely dry. At this point, you will want to add enough water so it saturates the soil and seeps out the bottom. Don’t water again until the soil begins to dry out. Pruning your indoor Bonsai Tree is also important to successfully grow these trees. There are two different steps when it comes to pruning the Bonsai Tree. In the spring branches of these trees should be trimmed, leaving only the branches you wish to keep. Root pruning should be done when the roots have become confined in the pot.

Once you have learned basic Bonsai tree care, you will find these to be wonderful plants for your home.

Originally published at on February 1, 2016.

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