I Panama Papers, e-discovery… e un omicidio nel sole del pomeriggio[ For the English version please click here ]Oct 28, 2017Oct 28, 2017
The Panama Papers, e-discovery … and a murder in the afternoon sun[ Per la versione italiana clicca qui ]Oct 28, 2017Oct 28, 2017
The Royal Statistical Society launches new guide for the legal professionIt was also the venue where I first attended a program that discussed predictive coding (as applied in e-discovery) that was not sponsored…Oct 27, 2017Oct 27, 2017
European Court of Justice Advocate General: “Uber is really a transport company, not an internet…12 May 2017May 12, 2017May 12, 2017
Predictive coding faces the dreaded S curve, e-discovery goes back home … and the cloud becomes SO…25 April 2017 — Many, many years ago I had the good fortune of attending what I call a “masterclass” led by Alvin Toffler. Yes, the…Apr 25, 2017Apr 25, 2017
The Mobile World Congress: first impressions and general musings from a powerhouse eventBy: Gregory P. Bufithis, Esq. Founder/CEO GB MEDIAApr 24, 2017Apr 24, 2017
The Mobile World Congress: every technology event should be run like this[ plus a short reflection from Day 1: IBM’s Watson tries to think like Antoni Gaudi ]Apr 24, 2017Apr 24, 2017
How algorithms REALLY created that corporate nightmare at United Airlines“I was only following corporate algorithms”Apr 21, 2017Apr 21, 2017
United Airlines, “the bureaucratic voice”, contracts of carriage and airline economics (PART 2)For Part 1 of this post which are comments on “the bureaucratic voice” click hereApr 16, 2017Apr 16, 2017
United Airlines, the bureaucratic voice, “contracts of carriage” and airline economics (PART 1)Herein some comments on “the bureaucratic voice”, with comments tomorrow on “contracts of carriage” and airline economicsApr 13, 2017Apr 13, 2017