How to Win the 2020 US Election

Gregory Gopman
3 min readApr 14, 2020


The next US election is months away, but at the same time, it is playing out in real-time.

With a rising tide in Nationalism and isolationism, the winning candidate will be the one who embraces a US First mentality and pulls away from the global economy, which has defined our economy for almost a century. The future of America is not a future of free-markets and free-trade. The world that we knew is not the world we will see again for a long time. We are witnessing the end of the era of globalization and the rise of the era of protectionism.

The election for 2020 will be an election against China. If Joe Biden fails to hold China and the CCP responsible for the China coronavirus, for China’s false reporting of data, and for its lack of transparency in all forms, then the democrats will lose. The age of allowing China to be a bad actor is over. America has turned a blind eye for too long. If Biden doesn’t plan to attack China hard, he will look weak and out of touch. He will look like he is pandering to a foreign power. Trump will be on his full anti-china rhetoric, and if Biden does not join in the game, then its a huge advantage for Trump.

The election for 2020 will be the election of the pandemic. Trump will argue that he has done absolutely nothing wrong and it will be Biden’s job to shame him back to reality. This tit for tat will go back and forth with Trump using his Illusion of Truth to continue changing the facts and filling America’s ears with seeds of doubt. And if history has taught us anything, it is that Trump is amazing at this. He’s currently battling all the media with his talking points, and by the time the presidential debates come around, he will have all his talking points in order.

The 2020 election will also be taking place during the second wave of the pandemic. Coronavirus in Fall 2020 has the potential to be even worst than the original outbreak, as cold weather seems to increase the infection rate of things. How Trump manages this second wave will speak mountains for the 2020 election. Almost more important than whatever happened in February/March. Because people have a short-term memory, and you can expect the entire country’s economy to be in a complete disaster by then.

In other words, Trump will get a redo in Fall 2020 for how he will handle the pandemic response. Regardless of how bad things are, you expect him to say he is doing a great job. Again, it will be the job of Joe Biden to shame the president back to reality.

Lastly, the only other thing that matters if how each candidate plans to save the economy. The entire global economy and US economy will be in shambles by then. No one will want to hear about how the US will save the world. People are only going to care about each candidate’s plan for resurrecting America. The winning plan will sound something like this:

  • An increase in American manufacturing and massive new infrastructure programs to increase jobs
  • Increased Nationalistic rhetoric, protectionist tariffs, and moving things towards a more independent United States.
  • Re-creating welfare and debt programs to better help everyone falling through the cracks. Expect every single problem we had before (medicare, homelessness, student debt) to be getting worse. Something revolutionary will need to take place to reform America.

If Biden does not attack Trump for the pandemic and focus on a more nationalistic tone, then he probably will not win. America wants to see someone strong to fight them through this depression. The democrats need to change their tone on immigration and globalization if they want to come out of this election with a victory. Now is not the time to focus on helping the world. Now is the time to put America First.



Gregory Gopman

Web3 entrepreneur. Former CMO at Ankr, Growth at Kadena, and co-founder of and Akash Network. I let my passions take me in all kinds of directions