Spotlight Organization: Pan-Hellenic Scholarship Foundation

Gregory Palivos
2 min readDec 29, 2017


Throughout my life, I have always been very passionate about my philanthropic efforts. As someone with a strong Greek heritage, the PanHellenic Scholarship Foundation is something I hold near and dear to my heart.

The PanHellenic Scholarship Foundation is a nonprofit organization in the city of Chicago. They recognize and honor exceptional undergraduate students who are of the Hellenic descent. Based on financial need and academic excellence, students are awarded substantial monetary awards to aid them in their academic journey. A Board of Directors as well as its own Executive Committee, more commonly known as the Trustees, governs the Foundation. In addition, the Foundation’s Advisory Board is composed of a wide range of professionals to provide guidance and support.

To award these annual scholarships fairly and equally to those who apply, a new Academic Committee is appointed each year. Those chosen for this committee may not serve as members of the Board of Directors, Executive Committee (Trustees), or the Advisory Board. The Academic Committee also excludes employees of the Foundation as well. The decisions of the Academic Committee are independent and based on established criteria.

As the ancient Greek philosopher, Aristotle once said, “Education is the best provision for life’s journey.” Greek traditions promote the belief that is Paideia, where education is essential to creating the ideal life and advancing the development of civilization. The purpose of the PanHellenic Scholarship Foundation is “to strive to promote the positive development of Greek American college students through the support and advancement of their undergraduate education.”

The core of the Foundation’s mission is to build a better America by promoting education and Hellenism. Through supporting Greek Americans in their undergraduate careers, they are setting these students up for a lifetime of success. The Foundation’s symbol is Nike of Paionios, the goddess of victory, which personifies triumph through the Greek culture. Similarly, the Foundation’s efforts help the Greek American youths of today triumph in life by learning hard work, dedication, and determination to complete their undergraduate education.

Originally published at on December 29, 2017.



Gregory Palivos

A Financial Advisor, Gregory Palivos is passionate about technology and startups.