Gregory finkelson | Successful Internet Business Ideas

Gregory finkelson
2 min readDec 2, 2019


Gregory finkelson
Gregory finkelson

Gregory finkelson — Successful Internet Business Ideas can be broken down to some common sense steps.

I will break them down: — Gregory finkelson

Why (motivation)
How (plan)
Direction (goals)
Motivation- Get yourself unstuck. Assume success, know that you can. So you have had some failures, Failure is the breeding ground for success. Build your dreams, make a list, gather pictures drawings.Meditate on those dreams you always wanted to accomplish. You know freedom from bills, freedom to travel to see your children, come on you have a whole list, write them down.

Plan- Get a game plan, each day you should have a regime, a set of to does. Start with one skill like making videos, become an expert at making, promoting them. Then move on to the next skill, blogging, writing articles, social medias, email marketing and so on.

Goals- Set reasonable goals, daily, weekly, monthly, 6 months, 1 year. Determine how many videos you will make per day how long to perfect your skills then move on to the next skill. Not only make videos but upload to You Tube then blast out using video sharing company. Goal setting is a key internet business idea that sets the positive or negative tone for your success in internet business. Do it for you now.

To continue with accomplishing “Successful Internet Business Ideas” try starting here with your education.

Your Education

Keywords- Identify 30 keywords through research with keyword search tools

Videos- Learn to make videos from your keywords, Create at least one video per day.

You Tube- Sign up it’s free. Put your URL link at beginning of description

Networking Videos- Then blast your videos out using a video sharing company. Like Traffic Geyser:

Thanks for Reading Gregory finkelson



Gregory finkelson

American Corporate Services Law Offices, Inc.