The Sun comes out
for Election Day

Team News’ Grey London behind high-profile campaign Helping Britain Win the Election

Grey London
3 min readMay 6, 2015

Grey London, part of WPP’s Team News, has created a high-profile campaign promoting The Sun’s straight-talking political coverage and its free-to-access #SunNation portal in the build up to the General Election on 7 May.

The copy-led, contextualised outdoor/print campaign revolves around the idea that, wherever your allegiances lie, The Sun’s political coverage cuts through the bluster to empower people to vote; ‘Helping Britain Win the Election’.

Several prominent outdoor media sites have been bought this week, with the ads themselves tailored to the specific locations they appear in, as well as the general confusion many people feel in the lead up to the election. Executions include:

Look, a mass of puzzled people running left and right / Thousands of confused people all looking for some sense of direction / Thousands of commuters not sure which way they are going

(Waterloo Station)

Welcome to another chaotic circus / A manic cluster of people being bombarded by different messages / Thousands of people not knowing whether to look left or right

(Piccadilly Circus)

Massive Grey Area > < Massive Grey Area
People heading in opposite directions

(either side of the Chiswick Towers, M4 motorway)

The campaign also comprises executions on railway platforms (‘Hundreds of people all looking for a seat’), in newsagents and supermarkets (‘Hundreds of people running around looking for something’) and on roadsides (‘All these road signs and still no sense of direction’). There are also several regional formats, such as ‘Don’t stand in the middle of the road. Helping Lincoln Win the Election’.

The agency has also commissioned a fleet of London black cabs, which have been rebranded The Sun red in the week leading up to polling day. The licensed taxis, which will be operating as normal on the streets of London, include flip up seats bearing the line ‘Not the only swing seat in the country’ and specially-designed receipts which include the cheeky message ‘Dear politicians. No fiddling’.


Project name: Helping Britain Win the Election

Client: News UK, The Sun. Nick Stringer (Chief Creative Officer), David Robinson (Marketing Director — The Sun), Kate Bird (Head of Marketing), Lily Cloake (Brand Marketing Manager)

Creative agency: Grey London

Deputy Executive Creative Director: Dave Monk

Creatives: Tom Reas & Sander Vos

Account team: Katja Giannella, Michelle Neads

Creative producer: Martin McGinn

Planner: Chris Whitson, Mike Lean, Matt Kemp

Media agency: M/Six

Designer: Ryan Shellard

Animation House: DBLG

Animator: Grant Gilbert

