Minimalist Motion Mastery — W/Greg Stewart

A deep look into a modern motion designers habits, and background.

Ryan Plummer
15 min readMay 29, 2018



I’ve had an amazing time learning about Greg Stewart through this interview process. Greg has produced some of the best work I’ve seen in a long time. I absolutely am stunned by his attention to detail, and after talking with him I realize why.

Greg shares his background and how he became a motion wizard. Not only does he share how he ticks, but also shows us where he’s learning and what his goals are.

When someone is putting out gold you should look at what they’re doing to produce that gold. So you can figure out how you can adopt their learnings to your process.

annnddd we’re off!!

Who is Greg Stewart?

My full name is actually John David Gregory Stewart (that’s where the handle I use in all my social accounts — jdgstewart — comes from). Oddly, to this day I’m not 100% sure why I go by Greg.



Ryan Plummer

I'm contract producer in Dallas, Texas looking to help others grow in their craft while being on the same journey myself.