What Media Buying Platforms You Can Rely On

3 min readNov 2, 2017


A media buying platform is used for transit, radio, cinema, outdoor, newspaper and events. A media buying platform woks in advertising where a company can show their TV advertisements. When advertising for small enterprises, telemarketing, print advertising or offline marketing, the costs can be lowered if you choose to advertise over the Television.

For online media buying platform to serve you well, you should select the local radio or TV channel that are recognized nationwide. You should also provide the ad creative. Finalize the plan and finalize the schedule for showing or broadcasting your ads. Lastly, make payments and wait to hear or see the ads.

Besides the radio and the Television, there are thousands of ad networks that you can use as a media buying platform. The biggest of these platforms are FB, Gemini, and Adwords.Taboola, Outbrain and RevContent also offer some good traffic.

Each of the many online media buying platforms has different advertisers that are trying to place their ads in the applications that are appropriate for their audience. It is the audience within your app that dictates the demand for the ad placement. It is therefore advisable to work with multiple buying media platforms in order to find the one that pays the highest for the Apps inventory that they have.

A genuine online buying platform should be passionate about advertising and working hard as a team so that their clients gain the best deals. They should possess a huge database of services and media assets that enables them to plan and execute campaigns that are cost effective. Every company that is placing their product on the media buying platform banks on them to advertise for them so that their product gains popularity and the sales increases. To read more about the benefits of media buying platform, go to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_buying#Media_research.

A media buying platform should be able to help businesses in advertising their product and services. this translates to increased sales of the business. companies that specialize in media buying platform should be very smart in executing their advertising duty. They should be able to offer various options of advertising and in a creative manner so that current buyers and prospective ones are persuaded.examples of ways of advertising products may be hording advertising and pole kiosk advertising.

There are various companies that have specialized in online advertising. Such a company should be capable of discovering and booking various media assets from multiple categories. The process of launching integrated campaigns should not be a struggle for an online media buying platform. An example of such a company is Gainbuzz. Media sellers find Gainbuzz as their asset management that provides access and reach to many buyers. This increases ROI while managing their assets efficiently. Gain buzz has been recognized as the leading media buying platform that participates in brand building and adds a set of media services.

