How books improve your imagination and communicative skills

Everybody who writes them reads them. It can take you one step closer to expressing your opinion in various ways and confront you with situations that you haven’t even thought of facing. Reading has a diversity of interests, genres and the same way that school books make us better at a specific area like economics or engineering, artistic books make us better at life. They are what is left to our history, by them we have understood and remembered how we got in these moment. Books have showed the mistakes that civilization has made, how love was precepted years ago, changed ideologies, new life styles. We all feel better in a conversation when we know the person we are talking with but that happens briefly. If you have to meet new people or you are looking to expand your circle of friends, girlfriends, giving speeches or other interactive activities you have to be sure that life experience is not everything. Looking your life only from your prespective can leave you with less options to use, meanwhile looking at your problem from another pair of eyes (which in this case can be the autor) can give you an epiphany. Getting to know people is important in communicating, and all you need to know about them is the truth. While writing there are no lies every person gives his everything, he expresses his love in two hundred pages, he is honest on his opinion and in the meantime you get to know people you have never met. You start to wonder what you would do if you were in their place. Rather than referring to cliches you find yourself referring to marvelous quotes of a book which really moved you.

Have you have had trouble to find the right word or to all you insecure people out there that were feeling doubtful to take a step forward, you should know that it is all about knowing another way, letting your knowledge take over like an avalanche that starts small than runs over the whole city. Knowing another way can make you “messiah”, and being creative is a great boost to your life. Vocabulary is much more improved after being in contact with books and you wont have to struggle to only say “I love you” but really express what you mean by that. Building all these information around you with numerous options, conversations, ideas, words makes you have an opinion of yourself overall all this issues. Your opinion is valuable, a real advice to your environment.

In a story you are as the spectator, wanting to know it all. Books have the shape and also the mechanical function of a door. If someone told you:

-“ Do not open that door.” , Or if that door had written on it: — “A night to remember”

That would be the most interesting place you’ll want to be. Think of books as you are taking a peek. You put your mind in action on figuring out what is happening next without even noticing. Every page is a door to another mystery to another idea and if you want you can stop, wonder with your mind the outcome or what is expecting that character you know so much about now before you really know. Reading is like living without consequences. Every name takes a shape, a face, every person gets to have a different voice in your head, you imagine colors and rooms arranged the way you want to and the touches and words enter your thoughts and nag them to think more and more. You get to know the people in that story and belive it, that books are not different from life. You will find the same examples in your sorroundings and you will be able to call someone Onjegin or a Romeo probably some Iagos will be around but you just keep going forward. After having experienced a lot of authors you find yourself knowing more than what you have lived. You see that they are living life as you are, just expressing what they see in ways that you enjoy and you can express yourself the way you want. Your thoughts merge with your words, give you commodity where you stand, but make sure to read what you like. In reading you have to find your place the same way you find your friends, you cant be so with everybody. Wouldn’t it be interesting that after facing with a dilemma you ask yourself: What would Hemingway say? I think it would.

