The GroceryX Pre-Sale is now live.

4 min readJul 29, 2017


The GroceryX Pre-Sale is now live. Only send funds to the address listed below.


Time of Pre-Sale: July 29th, 2017

Contract Address: 0xe1683B9e79778E8659cE5adbCE751E9D2C418aDb

Total Tokens: 850M

Total Tokens Sold in Presale: 10M

Price: 0.001 ETH = 1 FOOD Token

Watch Token Contract Address: 0x14c99c14bc607Cae9d1ca41F046e3fD8D6f076c0

Tokens Remaining: 10,000,000 FOOD

Total Market Supply:

850 Million (850,000,000) total tokens created, of which 10,000,000 will be sold during this first Pre-Sale.

Instructions to view FOOD tokens in your ERC20-compatible wallet of choice


The GroceryX FOOD token contract has the following attributes:

Contract address: 0x14c99c14bc607Cae9d1ca41F046e3fD8D6f076c0
Token name: GroceryX FOOD Token
Token symbol: FOOD
Decimals: 18

Jaxx Wallet
FOOD tokens will load automatically once Jaxx fully integrates the token.

MyEtherWallet will integrate FOOD tokens and they will load automatically.

After you login to Ethereum Wallet / Mist, select the CONTRACTS tab and click WATCH TOKEN to open the Add token window.

Under TOKEN CONTRACT ADDRESS, enter 0x14c99c14bc607Cae9d1ca41F046e3fD8D6f076c0

Then, Enter/check the details of the token:

Token name: GroceryX FOOD Token
Token Symbol: FOOD
Decimal places: 18

If you don’t see a Contract tab you will need to load it through the Settings. Go to Settings, and tick the box Contracts. After this, you will be able to see Contracts in your Parity wallet.

Follow the next steps to load the FOOD token.

Click on Contracts, then Watch Contract. In the pop-up window, select Token — A standard ERC20 token. Fill in the following details:

Contract address: 0x14c99c14bc607Cae9d1ca41F046e3fD8D6f076c0
Contract name: GroceryX FOOD Token
Contract ABI: should be filled in automatically. If not, the Contract ABI is below:

[ { “constant”: true, “inputs”: [], “name”: “name”, “outputs”: [ { “name”: “”, “type”: “string”, “value”: “GroceryX FOOD Token” } ], “payable”: false, “type”: “function” }, { “constant”: false, “inputs”: [ { “name”: “_spender”, “type”: “address” }, { “name”: “_value”, “type”: “uint256” } ], “name”: “approve”, “outputs”: [ { “name”: “success”, “type”: “bool” } ], “payable”: false, “type”: “function” }, { “constant”: true, “inputs”: [], “name”: “totalSupply”, “outputs”: [ { “name”: “”, “type”: “uint256”, “value”: “8.5e+26” } ], “payable”: false, “type”: “function” }, { “constant”: false, “inputs”: [ { “name”: “_from”, “type”: “address” }, { “name”: “_to”, “type”: “address” }, { “name”: “_value”, “type”: “uint256” } ], “name”: “transferFrom”, “outputs”: [ { “name”: “success”, “type”: “bool” } ], “payable”: false, “type”: “function” }, { “constant”: true, “inputs”: [], “name”: “decimals”, “outputs”: [ { “name”: “”, “type”: “uint256”, “value”: “18” } ], “payable”: false, “type”: “function” }, { “constant”: true, “inputs”: [], “name”: “version”, “outputs”: [ { “name”: “”, “type”: “string”, “value”: “1.0” } ], “payable”: false, “type”: “function” }, { “constant”: true, “inputs”: [ { “name”: “”, “type”: “address” } ], “name”: “balanceOf”, “outputs”: [ { “name”: “”, “type”: “uint256”, “value”: “0” } ], “payable”: false, “type”: “function” }, { “constant”: false, “inputs”: [ { “name”: “target”, “type”: “address” }, { “name”: “mintedAmount”, “type”: “uint256” } ], “name”: “mintToken”, “outputs”: [], “payable”: false, “type”: “function” }, { “constant”: true, “inputs”: [], “name”: “owner”, “outputs”: [ { “name”: “”, “type”: “address”, “value”: “0x13768988e07a609247977d938d9d3ef08a9bf83e” } ], “payable”: false, “type”: “function” }, { “constant”: true, “inputs”: [], “name”: “symbol”, “outputs”: [ { “name”: “”, “type”: “string”, “value”: “FOOD” } ], “payable”: false, “type”: “function” }, { “constant”: false, “inputs”: [ { “name”: “_to”, “type”: “address” }, { “name”: “_value”, “type”: “uint256” } ], “name”: “transfer”, “outputs”: [], “payable”: false, “type”: “function” }, { “constant”: false, “inputs”: [ { “name”: “_spender”, “type”: “address” }, { “name”: “_value”, “type”: “uint256” }, { “name”: “_extraData”, “type”: “bytes” } ], “name”: “approveAndCall”, “outputs”: [ { “name”: “success”, “type”: “bool” } ], “payable”: false, “type”: “function” }, { “constant”: true, “inputs”: [ { “name”: “”, “type”: “address” }, { “name”: “”, “type”: “address” } ], “name”: “allowance”, “outputs”: [ { “name”: “”, “type”: “uint256”, “value”: “0” } ], “payable”: false, “type”: “function” }, { “constant”: false, “inputs”: [ { “name”: “newOwner”, “type”: “address” } ], “name”: “transferOwnership”, “outputs”: [], “payable”: false, “type”: “function” }, { “inputs”: [ { “name”: “initialSupply”, “type”: “uint256”, “index”: 0, “typeShort”: “uint”, “bits”: “256”, “displayName”: “initial Supply”, “template”: “elements_input_uint”, “value”: “850000000000000000000000000” }, { “name”: “tokenName”, “type”: “string”, “index”: 1, “typeShort”: “string”, “bits”: “”, “displayName”: “token Name”, “template”: “elements_input_string”, “value”: “GroceryX FOOD Token” }, { “name”: “decimalUnits”, “type”: “uint8”, “index”: 2, “typeShort”: “uint”, “bits”: “8”, “displayName”: “decimal Units”, “template”: “elements_input_uint”, “value”: “18” }, { “name”: “tokenSymbol”, “type”: “string”, “index”: 3, “typeShort”: “string”, “bits”: “”, “displayName”: “token Symbol”, “template”: “elements_input_string”, “value”: “FOOD” }, { “name”: “centralMinter”, “type”: “address”, “index”: 4, “typeShort”: “address”, “bits”: “”, “displayName”: “central Minter”, “template”: “elements_input_address”, “value”: “” } ], “payable”: false, “type”: “constructor” }, { “anonymous”: false, “inputs”: [ { “indexed”: true, “name”: “from”, “type”: “address” }, { “indexed”: true, “name”: “to”, “type”: “address” }, { “indexed”: false, “name”: “value”, “type”: “uint256” } ], “name”: “Transfer”, “type”: “event” } ]




Built for communities to have their own local system of food distribution