Brian Will Is: The Dropout Multimillionaire

2 min readJan 24, 2023


Millionaire at 40, Multimillionaire at 41 — That is the definition of success in many business owners’ books. That’s also what one Georgia native, Brian Will, has managed to achieve. Want to know the wildest part? He managed to do this without even finishing college! He made his way up through trial and error, with the help of a few incredible mentors, and is now an immensely successful business owner in various industries.

Brian is an industry expert in Direct to Consumer selling through call centers, having created the first of these for health insurance here in the US. Along with this, he’s created or co-created six other highly successful companies, which were worth at least half a billion dollars in their heydays. Over time, he’s even sold two companies to Venture Capital and one to Private Equity. He has also functioned as a consultant to multiple Fortune 500 companies in DTC sales. Brian, while not having a formal education, has worked hard to gain many skills that are useful to creating and running companies, especially focused on making them run well enough that he doesn’t have to actually be in the building on a regular basis.

Currently, Brian also owns a restaurant chain in Atlanta, a technology company in Denver, and a real estate company in Georgia and Florida. That’s on top of having his hands in his other companies! He has made the Wall Street Journal best-selling author list for his book “The Dropout Multimillionaire,” as well as multiple best-selling books on Amazon. Brian served in both the Army and the Air Force. This is part of where he got his drive and discipline that allowed him to break into the business world as well as he did. A certified pilot and dive master, he still finds plenty of time to be outdoors since most of his businesses practically run themselves. He’s climbed 4 of the 14ers in Colorado and even climbed Mt Fuji in Japan.

For the upcoming year, Brian’s goals are relatively simple. He wants to help other entrepreneurs find success without having to deal with the same struggles he did. His books show business owners where most businesses fail and how to avoid those. He also wants to build out his social media profiles to help reach more people who are on similar life paths. His eventual major goal is to create a mastermind group of business owners who can help each other out. In some way or another, Brian has always had a passion for being his own man and helping others do the same. His successes now allow him to do this on a much larger scale, which brings him just as much joy as the actual creation of his companies.

