Is this Maynard James Keenan’s secret reddit account?

James Watt
3 min readAug 29, 2019


TOOL’s 13-year-long-awaited album, Fear Inoculum, is set to release this Friday. It leaked online last weekend after TOOL fans pressured someone to steal it, five days ahead of the official release date.

Reddit user Diazepam opened a megathread on Saturday to discuss the upcoming album on /r/toolband, the largest online community of TOOL fans. Once the album leaked, the discussion switched from hype and anticipation to a listening party and reaction thread. At time of publishing, it has over 2,500 comments and is still growing.

Early reactions Sunday and Monday were overwhelmingly positive, but over the last few days, a minority of fans have expressed frustration with Fear Inoculum.

One user even suggested the album could be an elaborate hoax by the band due to what they see as half of the vocals missing.

As a fan myself, I have been following and reading the comments on the album discussion thread since Saturday. Today, I read a comment that really stood out. It was downvoted, hidden in obscurity, but it nonetheless caught my eye.

Is this Maynard’s secret Reddit account?

Reddit user BeMoJ11 seems to take this whole thing personally. As a content creator, if fans stole and leaked my work only to criticize it, I would probably react similarly. From my perspective, it would feel like the fans were being ungrateful.

I looked for clues on his profile. The account was created in 2018 and has only ever commented 7 times. BeMoJ11 last commented 9 months ago, replying to a thread about the Deftone’s Diamond Eyes album, “I think it’s their best album. Masterpiece.”

Deftones Diamond Eyes and Tool Undertow albums

BeMoJ11 commented twice in a thread about hiking in Hawaii. He (or she) has also hiked in Utah and New Zealand and even submitted this sunset photo to /r/NaturePorn that garnered very little attention despite its beauty.

Keep in mind, many normal people that are not famous musicians travel the world hiking, so this alone isn’t proof.

But when we dig deeper, there is a political post that lines up exactly with MJK’s public stance on politics.

And let’s not overlook the fact that the username has “11” in it, a pretty important number for MJK as eleven is how old he was when his mother became paralyzed. It was a major turning point in his life.

He’s utilized this number for things before, such as in the lyrics to Jimmy. (If you’re unfamiliar, I suggest reading the lyrics and user comments on

So what do you think? Is ‘BeMoJ11’ MJK’s secret reddit account?

PS: The new album is some of their best work yet.



James Watt

James Watt is a technology consultant & CEO of Tech Direct Services. He designs & manages networks for companies in Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio.