WePower- Energy trading platform powered by blockchain technology

4 min readJan 14, 2018


About WePower

WePower enables renewable energy producers to raise capital by issuing their own energy tokens. These tokens represent energy they commit to produce and deliver. Energy tokenization standardizes simplifies and opens globally currently existing energy investment ecosystem. As a result energy producers can trade directly with the green energy buyers (consumers and investors) and raise capital by selling energy upfront, at below market rates. Energy tokenization ensures liquidity and extends access to capital. The WePower blockchain solution is currently recognized by Elering, one of the most innovative Transmission System Operators in Europe.

Green energy has many advantages:

  • inexhaustibility;
  • ecological safety;
  • free access to the source;
  • high efficiency.

WPR token holders will have priority access to participate in auctions for purchasing tokenized energy once the renewable energy plant is connected to the platform. Energy allocation will depend on the number of WPR tokens held by the participant. Moreover, WPR token holders are rewarded by no less than 0.9% of tokenized energy donated directly by the renewable energy providers. WPR token holders may use or sell this energy.

Current energy market structure

According to Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BENF1) , 2016 level of investment into renewable energy has reached a level of 242 Billion USD representing a 23% decrease over the previous year as seen in the chart on the right. Early 2017 trends show that investment in renewable energy has fallen 20,9% in Q1 compared to 2016 from 64,25 billion to 50,84 billion. The market is dominated by banks, PE funds, hedge funds that are keeping out everyone else from the energy investment market and not serving the needs of renewable energy community with proper access to capital nor the needs of end users of the energy.

WePower aims at cutting through the current problems of access to capital for the renewable energy producers and access to investments in great proftable projects directly for the fnal consumers. This is done using the fastest and transparent way through blockchain and energy tokenization. By employing technology WePower solves the following energy market insufciencies:
• Global access to capital for green energy projects
• Global access to green energy investments and trading (i.e. liquidity)
• Speed and transparency

WePower status:

Currently the team is focused on:
• Launching WePower pilot project with Elering and tokenizing all Estonian energy in April 2018. We will issue 11 billion energy tokens and test our platform on the Estonian energy infrastructure.
• Establishing company in Australia and starting SBC energy program in Australia.
• Connecting WePower with frst clients in Spain in August 2018.
• Testing the WePower platform in September 2018.
• Launching WePower in Spain in November 2018.
• Expanding to neighbouring countries in 2019.

WePower business case

Energy production is big business:

1. 24,756 TWh3 energy produced each year in total.

2. 24,756,000,000 MWh energy produced from renewable sources.

3. Assuming the LEC (levelized energy cost) from solar and wind averages 50 EUR/MWh (most likely less costly), total market of energy production alone and sales is 1.24 trillion USD.

4. Current yearly investments in renewable energy amount to 242 billion USD4.


WePower token

Energy tokenization

Tokenized energy auction

Blockchain function

Blockchain allows:
• Innovative community interaction across applications
• Provide 3rd party liquidity through exchanges and decentralised exchange protocols
• Enhanced efciency due to smart contract elimination of intermediaries
• Enhanced security due to immutability of data
• Cheaper maintenance vs centralised database
• History of transactions and prediction of transactions
• Fault tolerance for DApps due to decentralised nature of blockchain

Energy is becoming decentralized in nature and the changing reality of it requires a decentralized delivery system. For the short term, a relational database may sufce, but we are building a decentralized application for now and into the future where the energy grid will function and optimize itself, even under extreme conditions. Scalability beyond country borders is more important than short-term pragmatism, as scalability brings more value to the system. 100% renewable energy on the grid, with variable production, on a robust system is more important than a short-term solution. Our platform is scalable through blockchain technology beyond country borders or even continents to be a virtual utility of a new era in clean, decentralized world energy.

Energy tokens use

Every energy token represents 1 kWh of green energy to be produced by a certain time in the future.

The owner of these energy tokens has the following options:

WePower token sale model

WePower has structured the WePower token sale to comply with applicable regulatory requirements. The token sale will be structured as a reward based crowdfunding campaign, where contributors in return for their donations will receive WePower tokens (WPR). If you would like to read our legal analysis, please see our legal overview

More information you can find on these links.

Bitcointalk https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2207367.0

Website https://wepower.network/

Whitepapper https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9QClujD9ilRSGVxMXcwdUstN0E/view

Twitter https://twitter.com/WePowerN

