How to Breed Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches

13 min readFeb 17, 2022


Madagascar hissing cockroaches (Gromphadorhina portentosa) can reproduce at any point in the year, as they don’t have a set breeding season. However, the weather must always be adequately warm for reproduction.Cockroaches are difficult to sex as juveniles, but when they reach adulthood it becomes easy to tell the two genders apart.

Provide the right conditions

For breeding, a temperature range between 87 °F and 92 °F (30 °C — 33 °C). Never keep your roaches at temperatures any lower than 68 °F (20 °C). If your adult Madagascar Hissing Roaches are not producing young, then you are keeping the temperature too low. Under tank heaters placed on the sides of a habitat/tank is recommended. Hissers are nocturnal and will shy away from light. However, a red light will generate some heat and will allow you to view your hissers.

See my full article “How to Provide Proper Temperature for Hissing Cockroaches

Keep habitat as humid as possible without being wet. Around 80 — 90%, missing at least once a day is usually adequate. Hisses don’t need fancy food, but they need a proper balance of carbohydrates, protein and the correct types of fat. Experienced keepers recommend a basic diet of chicken mash or dry dog food, supplemented with vegetable matter.

See my full article “How to Provide Proper Humidity for Hissing Cockroaches


Mating begins with finding a mate. A female will usually mate with dominant males. The males and females of this species do this in different ways. Females lay down what are called pheromones, which are smelly scents that are unique to each female.

Mating is almost as spectacular as the males’ fight for dominance. When the male first encounters a receptive female, the two begin the antennae sword fighting, but the violence is not there. The female begins to touch the male lightly with her antennae. This encourages the male to begin strutting around the female in a circle, hissing and also touching her lightly with his antennae. Shortly after, the male extends and lowers his abdomen, trying to back into her from behind. This is different from the mating act of any other cockroach currently known.

Madagascar hissing cockroaches officially commence the act of mating by rubbing their bodies together. They then connect their bodies, backside to backside. The males initiate this by pressing their stomachs below the females’ physiques as a way of gaining access to their lower bellies. They lock into this stance for roughly half an hour or so.

The fight for dominance

See my full article “How Do Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches Fight?

Wooing and Hissing

See my full article “How do Madagascar Cockroaches Make a Hissing Sound?

Pregnancy indicators

  • The abdomen is swollen
Pregnant female madagascar hissing cockroach
  • The exoskeleton is extended.
Pregnant female madagascar hissing cockroach
  • The legs will be spread farther than normal and start to extend at the same rate as the exoskeleton.
  • Their mandibles start to grow into pincher-like mouths.
  • She stops hissing.
  • They will bite if they are pregnant to protect themselves and their young.

Before the nymphs birth

Instead of making ootheca (like an egg case of sorts) hissing cockroaches give live birth. The females form the ootheca internally. This combination of having eggsac as part of reproduction and also giving live birth is called ovoviviparity.

One interesting aspect of Madagascar hissing cockroach reproduction is the females, to some degree, bear live young, as they are ovoviviparous. This means that egg hatching takes place internally, instead of outside of their bodies.

The sacs look like flat, segmented white worms and can be almost as long as the female’s body. Oothecas are usually around an inch in length. This ootheca is seen only when the female is forming it. She will extend it from her body to allow the air to dry the egg sac. You really shouldn’t ever see one, unless you’ve witnessed the mom feeding it to her newborn young.

An ootheca of female Madagascar Hissing Cockroach
Pregnant female madagascar hissing cockroach with ootheca (egg case)

Females carry the ootheca (egg case) internally for about 55–70 days, after which time up to 60 young are hatched over a two-day period. The term depends on the temperature: warm — it shortens, cold — it lengthens. Once the eggs are ready to hatch, they will hatch inside her abdomen and she will then give live birth pushing out about 20–60 nymphs!

When the eggs mature, the nymph (baby roaches) exits the female through the genital opening. This doesn’t happen all at once, but gradually. For one ootheca, a total of 20 to 50 nymphs per female is produced. She will pass the ootheca after birth and the young or colony members will consume it. (Consider yourself lucky if you see this occur.)

Each female will produce two to three dozen nymphs per gestation and 700 over her whole life. Two to three broods a year would seem to be most common. She is ready to breed again shortly after giving birth. Adults and nymphs get along with each other in the same enclosure and won’t harm each other if there’s enough food around. The color of an adult will depend on the food supply and usually ranges from brown or golden brown to black.

Photo by

Causes of unsuccessful reproduction

  1. Low temperature or humidity. Room temperature (75°F / 24°C) will cause low or no reproduction. Provide a humidity cycle of 60–80% and allow the humidity to drop during part of the day.
  2. No hissing sound. When the researchers muted males by stopping up the second pair of abdominal spiracles (that make the hissing noise), they found that mating was not successful.
  3. No antennas. Laboratory experiments have shown that, without antennae, cockroaches struggle or fail to breed. Roaches can’t flirt, but the use of antennae and pheromones do trigger a mating reaction in either member of the sex.
  4. A stress is a prime culprit in failed hatching.
  5. Incorrect diet can also cause ootheca loss.

In some cases, abortion can be fatal.

Reddit: Sometimes while pregnant female roaches prolapse the ootheca and if it’s serious enough they’ll die. This may be one of those cases, it’s not uncommon for it to happen. (Itz_Juan26)

Dead pregnant cockroach female

Causes of stress

See my full article “Health problems of Madagascar hissing cockroaches


Occasionally, a yellowish ootheca can be seen being ejected from the female. This is thought to be an aborted ootheca that was not viable for some reason. If a cockroach ejects her ootheca before the babies are born, it’s the equivalent of a miscarriage. The eggs are dead or otherwise not viable. If this happens more than once in your colony, it’s time to ferret out and correct the source of the problem.

An aborted ootheca
An aborted ootheca

Sometimes birth is followed by a rejected ootheca at the same time.

Reddit: Abortion/birth is more like a premature birth. I’ve seen it happen before in my colony, half the babies come out and the rest is the undeveloped part of the ootheca that didn’t incubate properly. If it’s not an environmental factor, it’s just genetics (JokerSYC)

An aborted ootheca after birth
An aborted ootheca after birth

Attentive Mothers

Females hissing cockroaches are peaceful. They hiss at intruders, but don’t fight with each other, males or their young. Mating begins with gentle touching and ends with very loud hisses of triumph. Fertilization is internal. They’re ovoviviparous, meaning they don’t have a uterus, but the young develop and hatch inside the mother, who then gives birth to as many as 50 per clutch. Babies usually continue to ride around on their moms until their first molt.

After the nymphs birth

The babies are white when born and darken up within a few hours. Nymphs are around the size of a watermelon seed (1/4 inch) and white. They are completely white except their black eyespots. They are white because they have not developed a protein called chitin. This protein gives the exoskeleton its sturdiness. After the exoskeleton is formed, the nymph’s antennae will be white on top.

Once these nymphs are born, it takes them approximately seven months to become fully mature. Nymphs can reach adult size in about three months if kept warm enough, but it usually takes five months or longer.


All about molting in my article “How do Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches Molt?

Prepare a home for the entire colony

See my full article “How To Set Up A Tank For Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches

Food and Water

Feed them with pelleted food. Any dry pelleted food for pets, such as dogs, cats or birds, is good. Place it in a paper plate in the enclosure, as long as it’s not too high for nymphs to climb. Make sure it has a high protein content, because your roaches will need it to grow fast and healthily. Remove it after a few days if it gets moldy or wet. Not giving them enough protein might result in roaches eating each other to get more nutrients.

Offer them fresh fruits and vegetables once a week. The best treats for roaches are carrots (big favorites), apples, bananas, strawberries, oranges, romaine lettuce or leafy greens (collard, turnip, mustard greens). Make sure they’re fresh and peeled, because pesticides could kill the whole colony very fast. Remove any fruits or vegetables that haven’t been eaten within one or two days to prevent mold: this can be a huge threat to the colony.

Provide water in a separate plate. This should include something you can soak it up with, like paper. Sponges tend to smell after a while, so it’s better to avoid them. Do not pour water in a bowl without something to soak it up, because roaches could drown in it. You can also use water gel, usually sold by florists.

See my full article “List of Foods for Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches

Threats to the colony

See my full article “Health problems of Madagascar hissing cockroaches

As a feed

Once colonies are well established, you will have roaches of all different sizes to offer lizards the exact size they need. Madagascar Hissing roaches are especially well suited as feeders for all the larger species of lizards.

If you’re feeding your pets on bred cockroaches, remember that whatever food you give your colony will end up in your pet. Make sure the diet suits your pet as well as it suits your hissers.


When are cockroaches able to breed?

On the 7th molt, they are considered an adult cockroach and are able to breed.

When will a cockroach become an adult?

Nymphs can reach adult size in about 3 months if kept warm enough, but usually would take five months or longer.

How many cockroaches do I need to breed?

How many cockroaches do I need to breed?If you want the colony to grow at a faster rate, purchase two male and three females. To avoid inbreeding, males and females should not be related.

What is the probability that a female will mate with another male?

In my experience, 50/50.[Verification required]

How long does it take for them to start mating?

From 1 hour to several months.[Verification required]

How long does mating take?

About 15–20 minutes, according to my observations.[Verification required]

How many nymphs will be born?

Each female will produce 2 to 3 dozens nymphs per gestation, and 700 over her whole life. The minimum quantity I found is 15 here. In other source, the number of nymphs is up to 60.

How many days does pregnancy take?

Females carry the ootheca (egg case) internally for about 55–70 days, after which time up to 60 young are hatched over a two-day period. The term depends on the temperature: warm — it shortens, cold — it lengthens.

How can I tell if a female is pregnant?

1) The abdomen is swollen
2) The exoskeleton is extended.
3) The legs will be spread farther than normal and start to extend at the same rate as the exoskeleton.
4) Their mandibles start to grow into pincher-like mouths.
5) She stops hissing.
6) They will bite if they are pregnant to protect themselves and their young.

How much space is needed for the colony?

2.5 gallons (9.5 L) per dozen adult roaches.

My female got pregnant even though there was no male in the terrarium. How is this possible?

Females can retain sperm from a single male for YEARS and produce multiple offspring from that singular male. Even if they abort a previous ootheca, they can still retain the sperm and get pregnant again.

My nymphs do not molt at the same time with other nymphs, despite the same environment and diet. Why?

Cockroaches have different food preferences. Molting depends on the growth rate of the cockroach. Some nymphs grow slower than others because they eat less protein.

Madagascar Hissing Cockroache nymphs
Nymphs of different sizes

One nymph died, although nothing has changed and all the other nymphs are fine. Why?

Some are just not meant to reach adulthood. That’s true for every species. Among the many nymphs, there are several weak individuals who will not become adults and die.

Newborn nymphs have a much brighter color of the exoskeleton. This is a sign of a weak individual, and they will not even reach the second molt.

Madagascar Hissing Cockroache nymphs
Newborn nymph with more bright color
Madagascar Hissing Cockroache nymphs
Newborn nymph died 3 days after birth
Madagascar Hissing Cockroache nymph
Newborn nymph dies a day after birth

I don’t need the colony anymore. What should I do?

1) Sell to a pet store.
2) Give free to other keepers.
3) Give them as food to the keeper of lizards and other exotic animals.
4) If the options above didn’t work. Put them in the freezer — they will slowly freeze and die. Perhaps of the deaths, this is the most humane choice.

Helpful Tips

  • Since Madagascar Hissing Roaches are glass climbers, a three-inch wide strip along the top of the tank should be smeared with Vaseline, olive oil, or a product such as bug stop. This will prevent hissers of all sizes from escaping their enclosure.
  • If you think the bedding would make it too hard to keep the habitat clean, you can do without it. Hissers will be just as okay on a flat floor.
  • For breeding, a temperature range between 87°F to 92°F (30°C — 33°C). If your colony isn’t breeding or growing too slowly, try raising the temperature and increasing the level of humidity.
  • Provide a high protein food such as dry cat food or roach diet at all times. It may be placed in a dish or directly on the floor of the tank.
  • Do not pour water in a bowl without something to soak it up, because roaches could drown in it.
  • ​​Mold is a threat to your roach colony, so best to feed only what they consume in a short while.
  • Offer orange slices biweekly or monthly to induce breeding.

Useful links

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  1. 1 baby hisser found in female only cage. (2022, May 22). Reddit.
  2. Abortion and birth at the same moment. (2022, July 14). Reddit.
  3. Andersen, J. (2021, August 4). How are antennae useful to cockroaches. Cockroach Zone.
  4. Breene, R. G. (2014, January 1). Hissing cockroaches: The battletanks of the cockroach world. Anapsid.
  5. Kropf, A. (2017, November 17). When cockroaches go wild: Madagascar hisser reproduction. The WonderLab Museum of Science, Health and Technology.
  6. Libal, A. (2020, November 19). What do hissing cockroach egg sacks look like? Pets on
  7. Madagascar giant hissing cockroach pet care and breeding. (2014, February 4). Reptile Specialty.
  8. Madagascar Hissing Cockroach. (n.d.). Lllreptile.
  9. Madagascar hissing roach care and breeding. (n.d.). Nyworms.
  10. Millburn, N. (2020, November 19). Reproduction of the madagascar hissing cockroach. Pets on
  11. One of [MHC] nymph does not grow together with the colony. (2022, October 24). Reddit.
  12. Siefert, J. (2012, September 6). CockroachGuy.
  13. wikiHow. (2019, April 5). How to Breed Hissing Cockroaches.
  14. Хлусов, П. М. (2006). Тараканы с острова Мадагаскар. Опыт успешного содержания и разведения в домашних условиях. ООО “Аквариум-Принт.”

Last update: February 27, 2023

