Businesses for humans by humans of business.

Gurpreet Singh
3 min readSep 20, 2019


Photo by Colton Sturgeon on Unsplash

Suppose, you entered in a hotel you once visited a while ago, And at reception, you are greeted with your name, and wait it’s not over:), adding to it when you reach your hotel room, you find out that the pillows are soft just the way you like, moreover a note has been placed in your room which could tell you your favorite movies or series is just out to stream!! How cool it would be! Very cool Na. I guarantee you will become the most loyal customer of that hotel. You might ask “Hey Gurpreet, what is the relation of our story with your title??” Then let me tell I will surely come up with good explanation well at least I will try to do so:)

We human loves personalizations, Every human in this lonely planet Earth would want to be treated specially, so, for this reason, anyone can become a loyal customer to the company which provides us with that kind of personalization. So the question arises How could we achieve or at least this kind of personalization from a hotel or any company?

It’s simple yet tricky, DATA. You gather the data of the person in the form of questionnaires, asking about his preferences one to one, then parse it in a useful way so that you can provide him with the experience of life.

Things don’t stop here!! If it would, then you have every right to beat me up and say “Gurpreet, you bloody wasted our time”. But something now I gonna tell you will appeal you. Suppose you have had your Birthday next day when you checked in your hotel, And through holy Facebook :) Hotels research staff got aware by the fact you have your birthday tomorrow.

AT midnight, Someone knocks your hotel room!! You very hesitantly open the door because you were of coarse sleeping ;), And when you opened the door, you got a surprise, there is no one out there!! You thought someone might mistakenly knock on the door and leave. Aaaannnd when you almost turned to close the door, You observe a box lying down outside your door. Hesitantly you picked the box and somehow decided to open the box(Since Humans are curious species they can’t sleep without unraveling suspense), When you opened the box, you find a little note with a small gift inside it. (And gift could be something like you love, which they could gather again from Holy Facebook) You opened the note and read it and it was written “ Happy Birthday Xyz. It’s our small try to make you feel at home:). The gift is Abc and we know you might like it. Enjoy the day Sir.” How awesome would it feel!! I am feeling goosebumps while I am writing this because I don’t know how would I react if someone hold’s something like for me one day, Hoping it could happen soon:)

The person receiving such kind of experience will get enthralled and he might become the brand ambassador of your business because this kind of experience will have a huge hit on his mind and heart and well it is no brainer we take most of our decisions from Heart and it would automatically the business will spread like a fire from one person creating a win-win situation for both Hotels and Customers.

This kind of relationship can be extended to most of the business and chances of it’s becoming successful is high because:

“People buy Emotions or Value, not products.”

That’s all Folks!!

Hope you liked it. Will come up with something interesting anytime soon!



Gurpreet Singh

Entrepreneur, A cricket enthusiast, Foodie, a Picture tells a lot:), An Avid Reader, Humanitarian, Founder & CEO