Saul Alinsky’s: The Progressives Rules for Radicals

In any tactical scenario, knowing one’s moves and methods beforehand gives any person an unprecedented advantage. The methods, guidelines, and rules found in the simple playbook, Rules for Radicals, have been the driving force behind Progressive Leftist politics and media for nearly the last fifty years. Let’s take a look at how this started and now represents.

J. Robert Fallon III
7 min readMay 18, 2019


In 1971, a hard-Left, Progressive community organizer named Saul D. Alinsky wrote a playbook of subversive tactics called “Rules for Radicals” to empower an upcoming generation of “change agents”. People ready to stick it to the man in other words.

Saul is generally considered to be the “Godfather” of modern “community organizing”, and this most often stems from the teachings found within his most famous writings and works. The book Rules for Radicals being his most evergreen and original content.

Saul was a kind and giving soul, yet during the course of nearly four decades of political organizing, Alinsky received much criticism. Through this criticism though, he was also able to gain praise from many public…



J. Robert Fallon III

“True nobility is exempt from fear.” — Marcus Tullius Cicero - blogger - PR/Marketing Pro - Writer - type-1 diabetic