This Is What Your Fear Would Tell You If It Could Speak
What’s the worst thing that can happen?
Fear doesn’t discriminate.
Regardless if you made it to the top, you just joined a successful team or are considering launching your new venture — everyone is afraid of failing.
Fear is hardwired into us. It won’t go away — it’s a needed defense mechanism for survival. However, you can learn to distinguish real from imagined attacks.
Fear of failure is the anxiety you experience when you imagine all the horrible things that could happen. You put your creative juices to work against you instead of on your behalf — by imagining infinite threats your mind gets you paralyzed.
When was the last time you failed?
When I ask this question on a workshop, most participants avoid answering. Acknowledging our own failure is like having a rare disease. No one wants to be on the spot. Ironically, the fear of failure can cause more pain than failure itself.
Many people are so scared of failing that they get stuck. The fear of failure is the most significant obstacle that stands between you and your achievements.
Your success depends on your ability to conquer, not your fears, but your idea of failure.