Why You Are the Advice You Listen to

Pay attention to your inner voice.

Gustavo Razzetti
Fearless Culture


“It’s when I start listening to my inner voice that I start talking to myself.” — Anthony T. Hincks

You are the voices you listen to.

A group of frogs was traveling through the woods when two of them fell into a deep ditch. All the other frogs gathered around the pit and were amazed of its depth.

“You are as good as dead.” — the voices from above said.

The two frogs ignored the comments and tried to jump up out of the pit. The other toads kept telling them to stop, that it was mission impossible. Finally, one of the frogs paid attention to the voice that came from above; and gave up. She fell deeper into the ditch and died.

The other frog continued to jump as hard as she could. Once again, the crowd yelled at her, trying to stop her useless attempt. She began bouncing even harder and finally made it out.

“Did you not hear us?” — the crowd asked her.

“I have hearing problems. I thought you were encouraging me to jump out of the hole the entire time.” — the free frog said.



Gustavo Razzetti
Fearless Culture

For latest stories, subscribe: https://gustavorazzetti.substack.com I help teams have courageous conversations. Author of Remote, Not Distant